Now that we have working machine gunners for aircraft, let’s get some of these other issues out the way
First: AA guns that don’t work. It doesn’t really seem to matter which type of AA gun that’s being used… as they are all broken.
Second: weightless AT cannons that defy physics.
Third: Engineer constructed machine guns that are very inconsistent when it comes to being able to use them, or randomly being booted off the gun for no reason whatsoever.
Also, why can we not aim our machine guns downhill? Why is there no downward angle or depression for engineer constructed MG’s?
Especially when you compare the machine guns that are already installed into the map, where these guns have much wider angles to utilize the gun (compared the engineer MG’s).
Fourth: A.I. path finding and river crossings. I have no idea how many times I’ve read updates claiming that the A.I. path finding has been fixed and/or improved. When just yesterday I was crossing a river in Moscow (flanking), and my squad drowned themselves while following me to the other side.
Fifth: Boosters and your ninja-algorithm to assign players to crappy game modes. I’ve seen people complaining about it on the forum, and after my previous 2x 200% boosters, I experienced exactly what people have been suspecting/questioning.
Example 1: 200% booster and I was placed into Conquest (Ver-sur-mer), where the match lasted only 8 minutes.
and then Colleville Farm (conquest)
Sixth: Being placed into empty matches. Where in this example, I wanted to play Berlin, and after waiting in queue for 60 seconds, I was placed into a match that had only one other human player on the scorecard. Nobody else joined the match before the timer reached zero, and both teams auto-filled with A.I. controlled squads.
Yeah. No Thank You. Not Interested. Please. Fix. Matchmaking. A. S. A. P.
Because after this, and many other empty lobbies… I don’t see any reason to waste my time in Berlin anymore.
Objects within the matches, that float in the air like it’s the Matrix or Inception
Eighth: Axis Soldier customization needs attention. Where in Normandy, all of the camo patterns are mismatching. Where the helmet, jacket, and pants are lacking identical color patterns/textures. And in Moscow, the german soliders (and snipers) do not have the option for full-white camo (while the russians have many options for full-white snow camo).
I know that a lot of people have been saving their customization tickets for the BIG UPDATE/MERGE, and each person has their own reasons. For me, I’ve accumulated 420 customization tickets, and my primary reason for not spending them is because the uniform options are terrible and I see no reason to equip my squads with goofy looking mismatched clothing/headgear.
Ninth: Horrors of war lol
And the last one is just for fun
The pilot who shot down my JU-188, got killed by my Beretta M38 after I safely parachuted to the ground. Poor guy
Have a great weekend everybody