News tomorrow i bet

unless they do it on the time it either tomorrow or somewhere next week it only logical.

just to clarify im not rushing just guessing that all

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I don’t think we will get news on Sunday.

However Monday is VJ day, would make sense to get news, and perhaps an event, on that day.


They never publish news on Sunday.


I don’t expect the minor update to drop before Wednesday.

I don’t expect to event drop before minor update. We all know the history of releasing update mid events.

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yea you get a bunch of nickel (aka bug)

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They don’t do news the week end sorry

I would be more interested in tomorrow’s anniversary of the beginning of ww2.
Though I guess US playerbase is more interested in VJ day.

(Nothing personal. I just like making fun of americans.)


Well, to be honest, I completely forgot that it was the anniversary of the beginning of ww2.

I am actually european, but I understand why you would say that. For me the end of the war should be celebrated, but its beginning not so much. This is my personal opinion and I would completely understand that this is not the case for everyone however.

Also, I think that the Japanese faction lacks event so I guessed that VJ day would be a good opportunity for both the Japanese and the americans to get an event.

Well, I might be very optimistic, but the update can still drop on monday, just before an event.


Monday is also a holiday in the USA and Canada and maybe elsewhere (Labor Day).

More often then not Enlisted updates drop on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.