News bugs as of late

Heres just a few as of late:

  • no one being able to turn, just move back and forward.
  • research tree showing array/table names
  • Chat showing from older games
  • the points at the top of the screen being in the wrong order aswell as CBA ACB
  • guess we are against a stacked enemy team
  • we have half our reinforcements left, yet we are defending
  • theres also people that can see the enemy


has anyone else had any new bugs lately?

put in suggestions cat, as a suggestion to fix them

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I have yet to see a single one of these, I’m going to take a guess this is PC?


Hello please submit a bug report to Community Bug Reporting System
and fill in all the required information including clogs

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I have not seen any like yours, but I noticed this one yesterday.
Late joining the battle (see my artillery timer), we are defending but I spawned very far behind our objective.
Normally I spawn inside the objective so I can build defences.
Now I first had to run 153 metres to the objective, like when attacking, not defending…


i seen this plenty of time it pretty normal for late join (happen to me all the time so probably not a bug)

Yes all PC

this one is quite old, it also doesnt matter if its a late start or not, my favorite one is when your whole team doesnt spawn on the point when defending and the enemy takes it without needing to kill anyone

The only real bugs I see is on occasion having troops spawn attached to objects forcing me to kill them. But this does not happen often, and when it does it is usually playing allies vs Japan.

It was new to me until yesterday, and I just had it again, so twice in 1 day :rage:

Instant classic :sweat_smile:

Actually, I don’t think that is a bug, but actually a feature. If a player is late to join a battle (either due to matchmaker or slow-ass PC), he gets spawned in a normal spawn point to avoid just popping in a middle of a point when there are shots fired at it. Frankly, I would appreciate it if they added it as a choice, even if spawned early/on time.


Yeah I also thought something like that.
Weird thing for me is, I had late joining before of course, but never saw this far-away-spawning, until yesterday and today.

Depends on how far away is the infantry spawn on a map, some are so close you have a hard time squeezing a rally on the way, others are literal marathons to get through.

I really never saw this before, now 3x in 1 day.
I tried Japan BR3 for 3 battles, to try my new rocket artillery squad, 3x wrecked by USA BR 5.
All 3 battles were late joining and had far away spawn.

Ok last one…

4x I played Japan BR3
4x destroyed by USA BR5 in just minutes
4x late joining
4x far away spawn point

No more Japan for me

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You would think Japs would be the ones steamrolling for a meantime, considering they got their squad 2 days ago.

well if the player arent playing that faction even an event squad wont change the tide

kinda like how when auto hei first release jap got super strong while US barely have anyone

The artillery strike doesn’t tell you whether or not a friendly strike is ongoing until you attempt to place yours. Really annoying

yea it cause the game think everyone have access to supply drop when not using radio squad (cause it only available there only sadly)

new one from a game or two back, was seeing enemy rallies.

it wasnt the normal artifact bugging either

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