Old Faces
Well until Battle of Berlin, there were only few (actually quite a number) faces. Most of White face models were common for all factions, but There also were some Differences by Factions, like Asian Faces for Allies for Example.
Those faces were mostly good, blends well to the game, and were quite natural. (Despite some of them are very similar with ones from Hell let loose)
New Faces
But after Tunisia and Stalingrad, some “New faces” had been added. those “New Faces” are mostly disastrous and disgusting. It’s artificial, unnatural, inhuman. It stands out and Not harmonized with other assets.
It mostly looks like some kind of Low-Quality Manequinn or a Wax doll, and is like hitting the floor of an unpleasant valley.
Don’t know What unpleasant Valley is?
The eyes of those faces are lifeless and unfocused, just like the eyes of a dead fish. Also, the proportions and forms of the face are bizarre, looks like those are Suffering Down Syndrome, or wax figures that are about to melt down.
Those faces need a Complete Rework
Even Devs are already aware of this I suppose, since they only have put old-Faces in the New Pacific Promotion image.
I know you Devs are working hard for various stuff, but I hope this to be planned as one of those works that you guys are about to do. If Those weird inhuman faces changed to Proper and more Better Faces, It would be much better for both us Users for more wider choice of Proper faces, and Devs for more income from Customizations.
@1942786 Please, hand this over to the Devs.