New type of squad - reserve squad

Heh, I don’t use full squad size so the squad is useless for me until they improve the AI

If I remember correctly when I talk to someone in another discord about this every squad is technically worth 13 tickets for invasion every time you lose a squad lose 13 tickets when you’re in invasion but when it comes to conquest and confrontation I’m not too sure about that one And I’m not sure if they changed anything in the last few updates.

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Thats my last info aswell, tho someone here not too long ago claimed that you lose more tickets on respawn if you have too many people who have left the game, not sure if thats true.

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Overall I would actually like to have more AI in the squads to make the battle more intense.

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Reserve Squad means a Squad kept in reserve second line to plug in where needed, could be any level of Standard, Elite, Assault etc Squad.
Any type Squad can be different level of training or equipment.
It doesn’t fit with Military terminology, nor organisation and also it makes no point game wise, squad and progression nor matchmaking
No it’s not really right.

YOu thinking Volksturm there, but that’s not what about, that’s drag every able bodied man that lacks proper training and equipp whatever have, not necessarily equipp them poor for the sake of use them as cannonfodder storm units, that’s thinking about it wrong.

So my concern that I was trying to voice is that if you get TOO MANY soldiers on the board, you are then looking at a question of efficiency.
Let’s say for this example the squad you are suggesting has the exact same ticket value as a 6 man assaulter squad with engineer and some other types in there.

The thing is, that unless you are extremely coordinated with other players for a big rush, you are shooting yourself in the foot and taking something that just really can’t perform at the same level as the other options. Simply because you are trading all of your efficiency for sheer numbers.

If you are running at the objective with this squad, and you start taking fire, how effectively can you fight back? Not well from the info that you gave.

In comparison, that other squad can put up a strong fight based off of equipment, decent perks, etc.

Like I said, adding in a squad that is LITERALLY just there as cannon fodder, does not seem like a good idea to me.

would be nice for the ussr and germany

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Well then call them recruits or what ever, its just a name bro…

Well you say they would be useless, Erika says they would be OP.

All i am saying is that it would bring diversity into the meta and give a reason to put bad gear from the end of the war still into higher BR, so Folkssturm gear doesn’t show up in stalingrad.

Also it would promote people that like using basic rifles a bit more, even at higher BR.

1 bolt action rifle per man, 6 hand grenades divided amongst the 12 men, and a medkit per; dress them up as Osttruppen/Strafbat/RearEchelonTroops/Reserve infantry and we’ll be golden. Even better is if they’re already on the battlefield being controlled as an AI player squad and you have the option to instantly take command of any reserve troops that are still alive in the meat grinder after your squad is wiped instead of cycling through the respawn menu. Reserve infantry should have a negligible impact on ticket drain too.

Giving these guys automatic weapons defeats their purpose as filler infantry.

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Yeah for axis low BR, Romanian squads, while axis high BR would be Volkssturm.

And for soviet low BR conscript squad, while for soviet high BR some sort of penalty squads.

It most certainly fits the setting, tho for simplicity sake I wouldn’t make these units “theme specific”.
Recruit or reserve squads as a name or concept would be enough, in the end you can dress your troops up however you like.

I have people complain on my suggestions all the time about how things effect solo players vs group players. As a solo player, it would be useless, but as a COORDINATED team player, it would be OP.

This needs to be done by better adjusting balance overall, not by adding another squad type to the mix. After it gets better balanced, then by ALL MEANS I’ll be right there helping you finesse details for this squad. In the current state though, I don’t think its a good idea.

I like this concept.

It works well with the respawn score mechanic.

I think the 9 man squad should play a similar role.

When a player has insufficient points he can only deploy reserves. And this reserve can be deployed repeatedly without additional preparation rounds.


Well maybe, however not any more OP than coordinating a full team para drop on top of the objective.

Also people seem to forget how powerful the vitality perk really is, these reserve units are supposed to be poorly trained. Without the vitality perk those troops will get deleted up close super fast, so they created more targets for the enemy - overwhelming them by breaking their lines, but once they got close, other more specialised troops need to take over.

I don’t see how they would be overperforming.
They would function as a rather specific support tool, not as a “do it all” like Troopers and Assaulters.

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They MAY outperform by sheer number on objective.

For example:
The current situation where people on offense are sprinting for the next objective from the edge of the previous greyzone with a rifleman squad, or dropping in with paratroopers, and getting a massive number of troops on the objective before defenders even have a chance to get reorganized.

The more troops on the objective, the faster it captures. So in the instance of your 12-man squad suggestion, that squad alone on the objective would likely get a pretty large amount of an objective captured before defenders get pulled back. As it doubles the average squad size (which is 6 btw). Which means you have 2 players worth of troops on that objective as a single player.

That effectiveness only goes up with more players/troops. Ultimately the issue that we are often seeing with coordinated groups dropping to the next point with paratroopers (6 per squad, with 4 players simultaneously is 24 troops), in comparison, just 2 players using the suggested group (12 per squad, with 2 players simultaneously is 24 troops).

THAT is especially where it would get overpowered. 9 man rifleman squads can be rough already, adding another 33% size to that squad will just be a significantly bigger issue in terms of capture rate.

I personally think the best solution to this specific issue would be to allow defenders advanced knowledge of all objective locations (so defenses can be set in advance), and to have a creeping greyzone.

That would at least cover that angle of issues.

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Well I agree there is an issue, tho this in general has to change, and shouldn’t have anything to do wity my idea.

When attackers reach the objective they are supposed to attack before the defenders, then is is prerty nasty indeed.

It has to do in part to your idea, in reference to the attackers pushing the objective before defenders even have a chance to set up.

Your 12 man team would shred an engineer group trying to set up in open combat, especially if the engineer was trying to fortify. By allowing time for engineers and such to set up in advance, by letting them see where to go, they could be prepared for an attack from your 12 man squad, thus balancing it out in that scenario. Especially because your squads specialty is overwhelming the enemy through sheer numbers.