New technologies and improved graphics

What about blood and flesh wounds?
When will these look more real ?

If we gonna get graphic improvements, then make if more graphic.
Make it look like Quentin Tarentino movie so I can have a squad named inglorious bastards .

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Everytime you update the graphics, my Radeon vii gets anxiety.

The changes to flame effects on walls are a nice improvement.


Can we have Content?! The Merge will not bring the Veterans motiovation to play anymore!?!

Has the title for this update been mentioned yet? Not that it really matters but just curious.

Looks good. Does this also make some ground objects more destructible?

But it does! Now its about making the game playable again and not letting one side destroy the other. New content will come in the future

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@ChuchaDrucha @Keofox

These developments are great! I’m glad the graphics are getting updated. But like many others, may we please have an overhaul on animations and gore?


Movement animations such as, exit and entry upon vehicles.

Idle animations: tank commander hatches, squad idle animations, player idle animations.

Death animations: while rag dolls aren’t necessarily an issue and at time funny, other players need to have an option to enable death animations.

Death animations examples: soldier holding neck from bullet wound, soldier falling the ground rolling in pain, soldier crawling after getting shot then dying, soldier falling to knees then face to floor after a shot to the head or chest.

Updated gore.

The current gore is not very good sorry.

Better gore examples: Soldier exploding into different parts after taking a bomb or tank shell. Head decapitating after a shot to the head. Soldiers yelling in pain. Visible shot wounds l, visible gore from the bodies, intestine brain etc. knifes and swords should puncture and decapitate limps and cause visible bleeding based on action used. Etc.

Losing limbs, such as arms and legs. This can add game play mechanics too. A soldier should be able to operate for a limited amount of time with one arm after losing an arm. A soldier should be able to operate after getting shot in the leg but with limited mobility and a limping animation.

Please consider


Graphics is nice to have, but why in almost every battle we have server lags ?

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Jesus dude, this isn’t a PTSD simulator.


but it can be…


But it can be

These changes would be nice, but they look like high-quality cosmetics, good to introduce in a few years maybe, when the game is developed and tidy (bugs solving and basic gameplay mechanics should be perfected first, and we know these take a lot of time and effort).

Just one thing that bugs me about the bodies is that the head gets like 360 degrees of freedom after the soldier dies, which results in weird impossible strains of the neck texture and sometimes heads turning upside down and ending up inside the soldier’s chest, or located in such a way that the face clips through the back andthe face looks from between the shoulders. The head should swing like 80-90 degrees to the side, at maximum, as long as it stays attached.


Yes, and make it possible to roll over the trenches and not stay stuck on top of them

I’m looking again at the screenshot with the vehicle tracks and they look vey deep, like the earth was muddy during a long and heavy rain. Be sure not to overdo it with the depth. in WT it already looks weird when the tracks af alight vehicle are 25 cm deep even in some locations that look like they have normal dry soil

Ok fair enough

Yeah they add all these mechanics we cant effectively use becsuse the maps are too small and games dont last long enough

Yeah they need to fix the god damned AI before the graphics…wtf are these priorities. Its been years with this poor quality AI


They have also improved the frame rate as you can see below:

So, it is still a bunch of aerosol mist and not actual liquid. Disappointing.

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How much did the Flamethrower guy used of the tank?

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