New Soviet flamethrower tank

but hetzer flamer wouldnt have main gun. It would also have no turret making it much worse than kv.

Well, KV-8 main gun is the 45mm one you can find at BR1, its not a particularly powerfull one for a BR3 tank.

Though I would love the Kv-8 to be in the game (I love that thing in CoH2) I think the main issue would be its armor, particularly in a downtier.

I guess it could work for br 3 if there were no downtiers. Kv 8 against german br 2 team would not be fair

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no,they have one already japan dont have yet a single one,they dont need more

spam for my old post: Japan Flamethrower Tanks

The premium soviet tank flame tank is useless its way too slow. spawn in and cant make it to the line before points get capture either defense or attacking. and thats if you dont get picked off before. its practically useless tank to have. meanwhile the german flame tank is rapid. on other things id like to see a Churchill crocodile tank.

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they have one already as germans and allieds have, meanwhile japs don’t have single one, I will still repeat, no, they don’t need it