New sights in armored vehicles and upgraded aviation

Also the gun sights are hard to see in certain conditions


could we mayhaps get gunner wide view sights for tanks?
and being able to pop out of the hatch in the driver seat as well as the gunner seat?

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It’s worse than the Panzerfaust and the Piat, maybe it’s even worse than the sturmpistole but I haven’t used it enough to know. In my experience the easiest tank to take out with the M1 is the Panther in the same way you described, that’s because it doesn’t have that much armor on the sides along with being easier to kill the crew or blow up ammunition. But when trying to take out any other tank then it becomes considerably harder, even taking out a Puma can be a struggle half the times.
At the end the Piat is a better option since you can destroy any tank with one hit relatively easily from anywhere.

Yeah, Piat is way better than the Bazooka. The only thing that’s going for the M1 is that it has like double the max distance of the Piat. However, I have never seen anyone destroy any tank with the M1 from 100+ away. The closest thing to it was when I killed the gunner of a Pz. III from like 250 away, because it was the last crew alive the tank blew up so it really doesn’t count.

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It’s hard to shoot down planes now. Do you consider strengthening the damage of air combat?

Do I take this to mean the Italian tanks will get unique sights as well?

Anyway, I love all these changes. I’m looking forward to all of them.


2 mm of pen when it should have 3inches of pen the war head is 30 mm when it should be 60 mm

i had it the day it dropped and it was broken when it released and still its broken never worked right in the first place it cant kill a fucking puma let alone pz3n or anything

Please bring in Stalingrad LMG recoil and stamina management to other campaigns, I’m tired of someone using lmg as sniper across map, I get short bursts fine, but not automatic fire until target dead.

Hope synchronisation on planes gets more people flying and bullet holes in plane will really help with immersion… if wounded in plane would love to see bullet holes in cockpit glass!

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I have a suggestion on the Matchmaking system:
(visible) Number of players online in Squad Mode who are looking for a game in a defined campaign!
The distinction between a real Player and an AI in Squad Mode (Ex: Player name, or AI name with * to indicate the presence of a Bot).

I like to play a game fairly, find myself with 11 bots in my camp with Me at level 36 and having to face 9 level 36 players. heavy penalty for the following parts !!!
AI in SQUAD mode who know two orders (Attack / defense), run in a straight line, do not take cover, do not use secondary weapons, grenades, do not build pillboxes!
at this time, I would think that you are making some effort for the community by respecting it!

That’s interesting. I’m all for it.

For the new sights, a reminder:
please implement the mechanic to zero-out the distance with the sights.
For example: I know most targets will be in front of me in about 400 meters.
Now I will adjust the sight to 400 meters distance (in advance, or in actual combat situation).

One can use the (German) tank sights to calculate the distance of the enemy target.
Let’s say: make it distance adjustable by using the mouse wheel, for example.

This way the barrel gets lifted while the actual target-sight stays on the enemy.
I hope you understand what I mean!

I do this in War Thunder with custom sights in realistic/simulator mode and like it a lot.

And please add an option to turn off the green/yellow/red markers on enemy vehicles.
I will not need that when the sights work properly, as intended.


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Is there any work being done regarding custom colors for the tank reticle?
I am colorblind and I don’t see the difference between green and yellow very well, yet I’ve been playing Enlisted for about a year now, and every tank v tank battle is simply guesswork.


I barely see any difference in reticle colors. Please let me set to something different like black/white/blue.

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This is a good point.

(Please) Sort the Mosquito gun sight… and im a happy man.