New ruleset has made game unplayable. All the L33T players are farming at level 2 now

All the new BR stuff did was make the most advanced and hard core players who want to farm money create a level 2 group.


i will not be renewing my battle pass.

its all L33T china names at low BR now.


Locking BRI was absolutely the right thing to do. It gives the new players a bit more of a chance.


Yes, I agree. However now level 1-2 is all the top players farming.

Not necessarily, it’s just that most players enjoy BRI-II. They’re usually the best balanced battles.


Br 2 has been a favourite “sweet spot” since merge

Waiting for hard lock to make BR 4 a sweet spot too


You do know this changed literally nothing except for BR1 players right? The rule simply makes it so BR1 doesn’t EVER see BR3 and will ONLY go to BR2. NOTHING else changed


I guess I had a bad run. Lil rage release in forums.

Well it did change BR 2 a bit as well. Since 1 cant see 3, 2 will either see only 1 and 2, or only 2 and 3. Im pretty sure 1 and 3 rarely met before the hard rule anyways though. So yes very little changed

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I’ve been maining BR4 so that when it gets its “sweet spot” I can say I was doing it before it was cool.


Im literaly seeing the top 10% with tags saying logged in a year or more, pwning level 1’s more than before.

i am a casual player. before you ask why im there. I play on an old land line, dialup speeds.

I think im gonna work my game up, see whats out there so to speak

If you’re PC is so old that it requires a landline then you wouldn’t even be able to install and open enlisted lol


My brother in christ not even my grandparents, who have one foot in the grave, use dial-up


Okay i will admit BR2 games feel worse than normal today. My team mates are all completely worthless and I don’t stand a chance even with 100+ kills. The enemy team (especially the japs) all seem to be filled with good players.

I also seem to dominately get matched with japan as U.S. BR2 and 3. I don’t understand. They supposedly have too few players to give U.S. the soft rule of +/- 1 but yet I’m constantly getting paired with them. Make it make sense. I don’t want to fight japan at all. I really only enjoy playing against germany. I really do wish we could choose campaigns still

BR4 is fire.

I’ll never believe anyone who says they can’t play comfortably (against BR5) when they have Tiger, Panther, Ju 188, Fiat, Beretta 38 (40), MG 34 (75), T-34-85, PPD drum, SVT, G43, etc.

Let alone when you face BR3.

Ever since the ±1 soft rule was introduced I’ve been enjoying all the WW2 classics in BR4 without the AutoHei/ASs-44/T20 fantasy world.

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BR2 has always been popular, you’re just noticing it more often, but you also don’t experience BR3 at BR1 either

ffs i thought that dialup went extinct 20 years ago…

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