New progression

For those that don’t like the historical accuracy issues, what do you propose to keep the historical accuracy, while getting rid of the linear progression/improving the grind, and improving the playerbase spread over too many campaign issues

you too lazy to read forum huh ?


I have yet to seen anyone (other than 1 guy) propose a real solution, other than “KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS” or “LOCK THE WEAPONS/VEHICLES TO THEIR RESPECTIVE TIME PERIODS” which won’t work with the new tech tree

idk devs are aware of this historical thingy and will discuss possible solutions
also dont know if you read the main topic created by keofox regarding whole future update, if not go take a look its fruitful source really

and those ranting player snowlakes that somehow managed to put their both braincells together and joined forum in the last couple of days (the gray zone campers) that cant do any better than claim that current system should be preserved is just ridiculous, people who created cryharder topics about how current system is all of a sudden not that bad and cant even respond to people who comments them … this is true comedy :smiley:
only shows that people here are quite divided , yet i stand by this update and that it must happen

we can all be glad that devs found a beautiful way on how to implement new system without our accounts getting wiped


No, I was not aware. I’ll have to read that sometime

i suggest like devs do, moving historical accuracy into custom games, then custom games are gonna be much more popular so you don’t have to worry of finding a good game, and since it will be global queue you don’t have to worry about splitting player base no more. It’s would be brilliant solution both for casual and historical players, and you don’t have any real reason to panic trust me :slight_smile:


Apparently not, because some people would rather what we have now just because it’s “more historically accurate”

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If you want H accuracy, make a custom match.
If you just want some casual fun, play the main game


thing is that current system is not historically accurate anymore in many aspects

they are afraid because they know how custom games works right now, pretty empty right? well it won’t be anymore after the update, a lot of players will play custom games for its historical acuracy, custom games weren’t that popular due to lone fighters being the default reason why anybody would go there in first place, and since lone fighters weren’t that popular either… well. things will change my dudes don’t you worry :slight_smile:


It’s more accurate than what we will have after the update, but you’re right. The game has never been and never will be historically accurate


CLs have also a problem of people being smooth brain and not noticing they exist.

Every now and then I see comments like “I wish this game had no bots” and soon after “I didn’t know CLs exist!”
Because apparently reading the UI is hard.

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oh yes

i remember same cryings on forum as now when ye oldie lone fighters mode was about to be removed

like: noooooooooo the game will die wthout lone fighters, noooooo half of playerbase will leave (in reality it was that one bloke and his 5 friends, the last bystanders that actually played the lone fighters) and finally left to oblivion


dont worry devs knows the game must change and they want our feedback abput historical accuracy, with this feedback came also tooo much shit from cesspit and it will take a time for them to sort out useful info from kid cryharding that their nolife will change a bit and they will have no time for their hentai virtual holo girlrfriend

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this made me chuckle


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Chuckle Noris

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My proposal is that you have seperate gear loadouts for each campaign (loadouts that the player will set up themselves).

So for instance you want to play as the Germans, which there are currently 5 campaigns for. Each campaign should have a seperate loudout, while the campaigns will still be combined together by faction based queue.

So you could set up your Assaulter 3 squad with STG for Normandy matches, but you will not have the option to use STG for Moscow matches in your Assaulter 3 squad. You will still get both matches, just your squads gear will change between the various campaigns.

So all the queues of a faction are still combined, but your gear will be restricted depending on campaign.

(And obviously you don’t have to unlock STG over and over, you unlock it once and can use it in campaigns were it would make sense to have it. For something like MP40 you unlock it once and can use it everywhere)


I’m against it… Because I enjoy ALL campaigns and use varied, mix matched equipment of all sorts.

What I mean is: why could I not play in nice Moscow maps using end gear equipment? Or why couldn’t I keep using only mannlichers in Normandy like I’m noig now?

By that logic, my mannlicher only team that I use in Stalingrad and Normandy would only end up in Moscow. I don’t want that. I like variety, I like playing different map settings.

in short: Normandy shouldn’t be restricted to full auto, nor Moscow to starter stuff only. mm should NOT choose maps for you, only the appropriate teammates and opponents. Let us choose our campaign settings.

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You already don’t get to use STG in Moscow though.

And point to where I say Normandy should be only full auto, and Moscow only bolts? Moscow you can get MP40, MP35, Beretta, MP38, Kiraly, MKB (MKB not that historical either but whatever)

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