Post without any real value
It does have value im trying to get the devs to make the game as realistic as possible
This includes, Gun Sounds, Recoil, Dispersion, Movement Speeds, and Weight.
Realistic when it comes to the Gunplay, i want the weapons to have the same performance in the game as real life.
Enlised already has that to some degree, the only thing in the way is balance which can simply bee solved with realistic battles, and sound design.
They have slowly started to improve weapon models and animations so the next step is sound design.
Ok american.
What you country have no freedom? In my country i can buy a MiG-15 subsonic fighter Jet for only 50,000 USD.
I can then use said fighter jet to drop 250 kg capsules of freedom over your house free of charge!
plot twist: average american who doesn’t know about geography and bombs his own house
It just happened comrade im now flying to my off grid shelter I’ve prepared for doomsday
So much rl PPSH has no recoil
Any idea how a sound designer works for games like this when it comes down to weapon sound? Is it 100 % artificially made or is it tweaked from a sound source or something?
Usually the sound is registered using real gun, wen this is impossible trace of audio freeware or buyed wo can be downloaded on the net are used as replacement, wen both of this cant be done (some rare gun wo cant be found) someone make the sound virtually
That’s what I thought.
I’m definitely not a gun person. However, in the game, I think the sound of a gun from a third-person perspective is very accurate from those simple sources I got my hands on. In first person view , tho, most of the guns sounds “shallow” if you you know what I mean. MP-40 for a example sounds more punchy and distinct in games like HLL and videos I been encountered than in this game.
or the guns like mp43/1, sniper stg44, which sound like staplers, i would much rather prefer the mkb42 sound, which sounds far more realistic, especially the distant mkb42 firing sound
The MKB is music to my ears along with the PPD-40.
i prefer ppsh41 over ppd-40
Sound wise or usefulness wise?
sound, imo ppd-40 sounds like a peashooter