New paths in Invasion

Not at all -0 I am near 16 in Berlin, 29 in Moscow and Normandy and do not mind Conquest as a game at all - possibly because I play for the tactical challenge and not just to get to the next level as seems to be the case with you - since xp is the main thing you are looking at?

So don’t mention it then - why did you?

Again I have no problems with the maps - small and large give different games, different challenges. Always the same predictable lines of advance is less satisfying that in many cases.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Great game. Been there since beginning. Well done to all Devs :beers:

One thing though, I would like option of being able to select Map to be played. Is this possible?

Devils Guard


This was the one thing me and my team were hoping wouldn’t happen, we really hate this secondary objectives game mechanic. It becomes really hard just to have one of these duel points on a map, to the point where putting two seems to cause an almost no win issue in matches for the attacking team. I don’t know if the problem is bot players, or if the problem is teams just not being able to work together coherently enough, or the matchmaking of the different leveled players is causing unfair sides in game but we really hope there aren’t too many of these coming with the current state of things.

So feel free to enjoy mediocre content even if/after a gamemode selector is implemented. I’m not losing any sleep if you want to play Conquest, but myself and many others shouldn’t be thrown into gamemodes we have zero interest in playing just because you insist on playing the devils advocate whenever a suggestion comes up which ultimately wouldn’t hamper your experience.


there is no need to cap both points at the same time. You can capture 1 point and go to next. is not like in assault where you need to cap both points.

Just go for 1 and if you cap it, you will go for the next, but there is the option to cap 1 or another

i belive it isnt that way.

its variety ingame. where once you captured the first point, either only one point on sector 2 will be avaiable at random. either left or right side .

like we currently see on some rare occasions on some invasion maps.

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I don’t like “quitters” but I understand why they leave. I hate conquest too, and I hope devs let us choose the mode (since that day won’t play conquest anymore) is a pain to be forced to play a mode you hate.

Imagine you are forced to play “football mode” in Enlisted. You hate football but as there is a mode for those who love football, you are forced to play it.

if you have 1 hour to play, and next game is conquest, it means your next 10-15 min you have to play a mode you hate.


then my fault. I’ve been playing since november and I think I never played that mode. Or I get confused with Assault.

while we don’t have to cap both points at the same time, is good for me.

imagine on current D day map.

currently you can have one of the folow objectives:

but you only need to capture one of them at said points.
this update is basicaly the same concept for other current existing maps besides D-Day and one in moscow campaign.

ah ok, then I was wrong (and yes, I played that in D-day)

exept, you people all complain about the player base being divided, and you do nothing to help but being part of the problem by keeping leaving.

if you boot up the game, that means you are there to play.
once again, you have no exscuse to leave matches in a beta where we all know that the matchmaking isn’t a thing yet.
i guess it’s hard for some people to understand that.

maybe you quote me by mistake, because I never leave a match. I hate conquest, but till now, I never left a game. I play it even if I hate it.
But when devs allow us to select mode, won’t play it anymore

in other way, this is true, I always complain about divided player base. in my opinion conquest and Lone wolf should be deleted and only invasion/Assault mode in this game :slight_smile:

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i only desert the match when i have to complete specific daily task for the battlepass for example is hard conquer a command point in a defensive invasion

Don’t stop until every invasion layer in every campaign has this kind of pathing

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wow, I love it!!!