New paths in Invasion

Still plainly capture/defend control points. Just some variant of current maps. And only a serial, not parallel. Assault mode could be more fun, but with the endless bug still unfixed, and some balance issue. And still very rigid have to control to point at same time. Just too plain.
Also the secondary objects, or the air balloons, just dont provide any fun. Too niche, and hardly anybody care. And can even bring down effect to game, like defender: wtf where’s the additional 100 tickets come from? It can not be defend. Even Counter Strike’s bomb site is more interactive than this.
Even Verdun’s successor Isonzo has multiple different kind of object as a real “invasion” match. Even if the animation are poor, but they still get plenty of object for player to play with. To build something, to destory something, and capture something , 2 object at a time, some that is disposable (for destory), some are recaptureable, like control points. This just gives game more varity and more fun.

This is an excellent addition to the game and should keep the invasion mode fresher. At the same time these options are limited quite a bit by map size so I wanted to know if in the future we might se bigger maps allowing for more branching options where the even the endpoint could be somewhere else (though that probably isn’t good as with my 470 I am just below the minimal graphics recommendations…).

Awesome, that is a great feature and will increase the replayability of each map massively!

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YOO I knew I posted my Invasion Map thread for a reason today

yeah because they did all that coding, prints, ps , in the last hour :roll_eyes:

I’m saying I could “feel” it in the air :wink:

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ahah :smiley:

give me that crystal ball!

I can’t even stress how fucking DONE I am with Conquest. When you’re at the higher levels (16+), you’re gonna want to continue grinding in Assault and Invasion for all that extra XP. Not to mention the maps in Conquest are horrible.

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Nothing wrong with conquest as a change of pace … variety is the spice of life … Some of you people need to get over yourselves … it’s not all about you …


thats why, we could have the chance to play, what we want to play. and if others want conquest, sure, let them have it.

is, that too much to ask? . coz right now i ill leave most conquests right on the start, and a bot will fill my spot. i belive you rather have a human on my spot right from the start than a bot all match. even if the human is as capable as a door, its still more viable in the batlefield than current bots.


play the game … deserters should be shot


Honestly, that’s what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I’m showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like…not like the stories your generation tells

be forced to play a map or a mode i dont enjoy. amazing experience. a must have. 10/10 ign.

this will be interestring to see.

new stuff never hurts ^^.

cheers for the update.

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you lost Our respect.

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i never ment for you to respect me.

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because I’m a teetotaler/teetotal ?

either way, you get your sorry ass up, and you take it for your self.

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so @30101451 acording to him, i m forced (and others that responded after my inicial post) to play a game mode (3 objective conquest) i dont enjoy just because (?) ?


we do alot of things that not everyone likes everyday.

i don’t see why you should leave for no reason.

you started up the game to play, as such, you are there to do that. and do what you should do.

which leaving matches, in the current state leaves for a less player in the match. and therefore the reason why people have less players to fight.

you should be ashamed.

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and you clearly said that you didn’t care winning or loosing, so that was a lie?

because now sounds like that you actually do.

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wtf erika. i play the game for the fun it gives me (one of the many reasons) is conquest isnt fun for me, i wont play it. is that hard to understand?

i dont, couldnt care less. but, as stated befor and on other threads. i dont like conquest,
i dont enjoy conquest
i dont like the way conquest is presented or played
i cant have fun in conquest, i tryed it multiple times and i simply dont enjoy it.

the only conquest as i keep stating months ago i actually play, is the 5 points in berlin, its the only one i can actually have some decent gameplay experience.

so, i think i m free to avoid it and seek for invasion/assault modes, where i can have fun in my ways.

Having an option to queue on the modes i want to play wouldnt hurt, infact, less people would stop leaving matches as i do on conquest and others (read above) . if someone queues for conquest, he ill have a better time coz he is playing what he wants.

or hundreds of games with options on queue are wrong on the market?

wtf?. i dont enjoy it, i wont play it.

just answer me this: Having a dedicated Queue where players could select the mode they want to play, would hurt the game experience or enhance it for everyone?