New mission in the “Battle for Moscow” dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Well this mission is more like infantry-only battle imo…

I believe this map suit 20v20 lonefighters fine.
But for 7x10x2 squad mode. This gonna be to crowded.
This map is too small. And three points are too close to each other.
Consider adding surrounding area in to the map.


Can’t wait for Stalingrad!. :crazy_face:A real blast exploring the building much less killing :skull_and_crossbones:as you go. More Maps like this will make Enlisted way above the rest. Hard yakka as they say in aussie speak :weight_lifting_man:.

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It’s cool we got something new and visually, this maps is beautiful.


As other players stated,
This map is small, crowded for squads mode and overall doesn’t feel balanced

I’m very disappointed at the developing team :disappointed:

It seems devs think that players want small maps and don’t get the clear image of what players actually want.
This was the response from my suggestion

I think Devs understood me wrong, when we suggested bigger maps the main idea was to make Moscow as open as Normandy but devs rejected this suggestion thinking I wanted some super huge mega maps.

This is a proof they translate our suggestions on russian through Google translate so they have probably translated something wrong.

Edit: at the end, they don’t translate I was wrong, but I’m still angry

Even the comments on this thread said how small this map is and devs still think they know more what’s best for us than we do.

The biggest issue is that this problem hasn’t been brought to the russian section and knowing that section, those guys never complain about anything. I translated the russian comments on this and only one comment said what are pros and cons

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This is not true. the developers understand you well in English. We collect your feedback carefully.
I am Ru-CM, therefore, in order not to distort my thought, I left a comment in russian.

Than why are maps still narrow if players agreed they are too small ???

You have to understand that some maps work well in lone fighters but completely awful in squads

Normandy felt great and open

Why can’t Moscow at least be somewhat more open

  1. Changes may be minor, but in reality they are complex: balance of sides, refinement of objects on new parts of the map.
  2. Players often don’t know what is best for them.

I do not want to offend you. You are not stupid. You cannot vouch for 19 of your allies who will spoil your game by bypassing around the edge of the map while you are alone trying to do something. :slight_smile:

This is an example.


Ok then,

Just don’t make Normandy smaller

Let us enjoy at least one campaign

We already made Normandy smaller and … you didn’t notice it because the game got better. :slight_smile:

We reduced the edges of the beach combat area because players massively avoided combat and ran there to get around … um … gameplay. :smiley:


I actually noticed that but I don’t think it was the issue and I support that decision by the devs

But Maps on normandy are overall more open because players can fight on fields. Map on Moscow can be larger but it also only takes place in narrow streets and villages where SMG rules


Flanking is one of the oldest combat strategies humanity ever used and is still using.
Such strategy is also popular in games as long as it does not include spawncamping (like war thunder).

Due to the nature of cap distribution, we right now have small map that is actually even smaller (only manor itself) because the rest is pointless.
Players would appreciate bigger maps with differently distributed caps that would make map more “alive” and support usage of variety of weapons. Nobody wants to rely on matchmaking RNG that will determine whether their chosen squads are useless or not.

It is also one of the strenghts of Normandy.

This map in general can be summarized into two words “wasted oportunity.”

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Thank you,

You explained it better than I did

Let’s summarize so as not to confuse readers.

  1. We like big maps and will make them where the gameplay will allow it.
  2. We read offers from players from all over the world, not just from the Russian forum.
  3. Problems of knowledge of English by keofox manager - only his problems. : D
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That is weird, because players being able to use strategy and provide support instead of mindlessly going on slaughter was actually one of the most enjoyable parts of Normandy invasion mode. Players weren´t going through that much effort of climbing around just to take a D day selfie and go home, avoiding combat. All restricted routes displayed on that map had their own purpose and strategic usage.
Making Normandy as narrow as Moscow is would only create backlash because that would actually be a downgrade.

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I’m very sorry for using that term i should have said open maps instead

Map can be big but also full of narrow streets and houses for SMG to rule.

Normandy (except Le Breux map) had big fields for rifles to be effective.

Moscow also has big fields…but we can’t play on them.

As I suggested, it’s very hard to make a map suited for both modes
Some maps (church, monastery and this new map) should just be lone fighters exclusive

I agree on Monastery as long as it does not involve invasion mode.
Invasion mode for squads is actually pretty good and gives many options to flank or effectively defend against waves of enemies.

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You could only afford to use the strategy thanks to the remaining players on the team who followed dynamic attacks, capture points and moved the team forward.

Think about it.

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well, to begin with, i would thank you to actually came here and answer to some of our concern.

which on your side, you are taking a big responsability unlike others that dind’t, ( i don’t really blame them. but sometimes it’s nice to actually get a clue or feedbacks from devs ) and i’m very, very thankfully.

otherwise, i don’t wanna " scare " you with pointed questions nor start an endless flame discussion.

so, to begin with, i do agree with @47094123 @73507743. open spaced maps would be preatty much loved, as though the data files we can see that halftracks, trucks, and some other vehicles are present.

and unfortunally moscow it’s becoming a " downgrade " losing potential compared to normandy. it’s where shines the most. just an example, the good and positives criqiques coming from important content creators.

and, may i ask you a question that… unfortunally is not really related to the maps, but still concern me the most.

anyway, once again, thanks for being here.


On D-Day, the Allied command used deceptive landing points to confuse the Germans. This is a really important strategy that has saved many lives.

Four guys, three of whom are AI, clambering up sheer cliffs for part of the fight while allies die without their help is a mediocre strategy.


But I will repeat myself. We do not argue with you, but explain the game design techniques that you will find in any team games.

Enlisted in this regard is much freer than most of the similar ones.

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