New mechanic: Capturing your enemies weapon! (Updated)

When you pick up an enemies weapon, get at least 5 kills with it, and stay alive until the end of the match without losing it, you get to keep it as a Trophy weapon and it will added to your arsenal until the end of the battle pass season. Once captured, you will not lose it when you die in battle.

Captured weapons will not be removed from the player’s arsenal that originally owned it, instead it will simply be duplicated and given to the player that captured it. To limit captured weapon spam, only 1 captured weapon can be added per squad, this will prevent Jap Rifle squads from running 9 M2 Carbines.


Sounds incredibly interesting, that’s for sure. Not sure how it would be implemented. Not even sure if it’s a “good” idea. Definitely interesting though


Maybe if during BP season you capture a weapon type and get a certain number of kills with it (like not less than 100 or 200 for high tier weapons). For low tier the requirement could be easy.

Skip the silver part. And the person who actually owns the weapon only loses it because they are dead. They have it back next time they spawn that squad. Otherwise, hard pass.

I would not mind a mechanic that lets you keep enemy weapons permanently. The idea seems like a good way to make more out of the existing content. Plus it finally gives more recent players an opportunity to obtain event weapons.

However, it’ll need a few restrictions. the ability itself, as well as your suggestion.

  • One such weapon should be allowed per squad.

  • The 10k silver penalty needs to go. If you lose 10k silver for encountering the player who originally had the weapon, you know exactly what players will do: Leave the match that that enemy is in.

  • The conditions for keeping the gun need to be very clear.

“Hold onto it until the battle ends” would apply to guns you picked up 10 seconds earlier and this is the main criteria that we may need to adjust.
“Get a few kills with it” seems like a counter to what I just described, but perhaps there’s a better way to fix the problem with the first condition.

If you were to go into more detail as to those conditions, what would they be precisely?

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I rather have a “captured weapon order” and you get any random weapon from a random enemy faction. The lower the Br the higher should be the chances.

A captured StG should be very very rare.


I think I like this idea more

In the future, Japan will have their own automatic weapons
And one gun per class is too few.
Maybe they could refer to the golden weapons as they are limited to 4 of each type
At least you don’t have to worry about every team on the opposite side using your weapons to massacre you.

But I guess this approach is more suitable for activities
This can more effectively increase player activity(?)

That would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to see implemented! The orders are only given to players who have purchased the battlepass and the orders can be unlocked after each of the gold orders. I.E after the Gold vehicle order in the BP, three items later would be the Captured Weapon order.
It could be called: “Acquired Armament Order” or “captured weapon order”

I like the first because it could be either a primary or secondary, melee weapon or speciality weapon.
I.E Germans using a Thompson or US soldiers using the STG.

German and Soviets used each other’s weapons as issued weapons. The Germans and Soviets would rename them using their coded system, then the weapons would be put into an armory and then finally sent to the front line soldiers or rear troops (depending on caliber) because the MP40 was issued to tank crews who were actively involved in attacks and defense operations because of the potential and situation of having ammunition available for use.

The SS didn’t have the funds to purchase armaments in the same regard as the Wehrmacht. The SS had all sorts of weapons, and the exact same goes for the NKVD for the Soviets.

We should try to get this going as an actual thing for this game!


I am going to make an in depth suggestion with this being the topic. I didn’t want to make a suggestion of this because I thought I had a “bad suggestion” and passed it off.

I am going to link you to it when I make it. Great post, my friend!

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I’m glad you like the idea.

I’m agree with all this, but f2p should be able to get them too.


Bro you just give me MOH airborne nostalgia where there is a hidden auto Mauser and if you don’t unlock it then it won’t appears in the armory good time


Sounds heroes and generals all over again.

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I do not like this idea and I’d rather it become a consumable so you can choose to collect them or use them instead of having as a permanent option that people can just equip.

and I’m gonna use this post to make the base of my new post so I don’t clutter up the channel with my conversation about this weapon capture stuff.

Yes, then maybe we should see a paid BP advance for this and then maybe stage 50 is a free gold order or a AWO. :sunglasses:

Paid players could get 2 orders per bp while f2p would get 1. It would be win win


Perfect! Thats a great idea my friend! I hope to see this implemented.