New maps need more OPEN and UNCLUTTERED spaces/ fields

No thank you. I like the ability to flank the enemies without getting spotted by 10 snipers and a greyzone tank. They sould reduce the amount of stuff on the maps but i am against having huge open fields without any cover. The AI still refuses to use player made trenches


Ideally there would be flanks that are more concealed, but the frontal areas are what is more open.

As far as tanks are concerned, if its done well, tanks won’t be able to sit back in the greyzone and still have a good line of sight. They will actually need to push forward to where they can effectively shoot from.

Players are capable of making physical cover (sandbags and trenches) and deploying visual cover (smoke). If they choose not to use either and run across an open field, that’s a skill issue.

It’d be interesting to see, that’s for certain. I’d be down for a few maps like that if they would slow down the matches

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Unfortunately, trenches take time. Time that most matches don’t have. You got any idea how much I would LOVE to just blast Diggy Diggy Hole while playing Enlisted, but can’t because if I tried to the whole match would be over by the time I dug to first objective?

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the problem is how fast the game is :thinking:

  1. If you have the melee perks, you dig faster.

  2. If you have a second person helping you dig, it doesn’t take very long at all.

  3. You don’t need to dig a trench from your spawn to the objective. Short trenches and foxholes are actually much more effective. Keep in mind that if a frag or shell lands IN the trench, the whole trench with direct line-of sight is effected. So separating the trenches out rather than a straight line is your best bet.

  4. You can start from a blast crater.

Oasis in particular. Some of the other maps are actually quite good and have lots of buildings allowing for some of the best CQB experiences in game.

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Okinawa and iwo Jima would be awesome. Paris and Warsaw added to early tiers would be awesome

1: cap time needs to be slowed down
2: tickets need to be raised

I want 30-40 minute games. Not 12 minute ones

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It seems like a few Moscow maps, Tunisia maps, parts of Berlin maps and Normandy maps already meet this description.

Is it that digging is difficult here or you just want more wide open, completely flat ground?

Maps in former campaigns listed above have some pretty wide open spaces to cross. Maybe not devoid of anything but still require some thought and, hopefully, smoke.

Shovels don’t make for engaging gaming in my opinion.

Smoke doesnt help shit when an 88mm he lands on you. Sandbags and other fortifications only help a little when the AI refuses to to take cover

Obviously, run-and-gun gameplay is intended for this game. Haven’t you noticed yet?
Kinda weird to suggest devs thing that’s literally against what they want.

This doesn’t make sense since you propose to get ird of basically any cover & creating open fields.

You are biased and want to make sandbags meta. You should just accept the fact majority of players arent builder the bob.

I really do not want sandbags and so to became a fkn meta. This game isn’t about building, this isnt a fkn fortnite. Geez.

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I’m not opposed to that, but there need to be actual FIGHTS, not just exterminations.

Usually, when there are spots like this, they really aren’t that large, and can be ran across in just a couple of seconds. The size of them needs to be increased, so that unless a player interacts with it an creates cover (either through sandbags, trenching, or smoke), running through is much more risky.

Additionally, there is a lot of it that just magically cannot be trenched currently. Usually if there is a crate, or some piece of pre-existing structure that even when destroyed you cannot dig there. Which is why leaving it as an open blank slate to be used by players to actually work with is a better option.

This benefits both defense and offense.

If you are thinking “how does this benefit offense”, consider that pre-existing structures lead to people knowing exactly where you are going to go every time. Leading to the same monotonous gameplay every time.
Whereas through my suggestion, you can create your own trench line, foxholes, etc and pop up where they may not be expecting it, or setting up a MG/Sniper position where they don’t automatically expect it.

In MY opinion, they CAN, if there is enough area that they can actually be useful (where you can dig decently).
Not EVERY player is likely to use them, but digging foxholes, popping down a medbox, and pushing forward to keep doing this process, (I use a medic squad for this purpose), makes for a lot more entertaining fights.
I’ve even had players thank me after the fact as it saved them a lot of lives, where they could get in cover to survive explosions, get more meds when wounded or knocked, and have more positions from which to launch attacks.
Its a lot better than: run at objective, shoot a couple times, die, respawn. It actually helps facilitate FIGHTS, not just exterminations.

If you can get to a trench it does.
If it gives you enough cover to help extend that trench it can.

I’ve seen my AI ATTEMPT to take cover, especially in the presence of sandbags. However, in the current state of the game, sandbags are far too easy to break. If they could survive FRAGMENTATION damage, you would have at least a 40-50% higher survival rate of your AI.

Right now however, even if they do take cover, explosive spam wipes everyone out.

AI doesnt use player made trenches

Well that’s fully dependent on the player base

At that point they need to separate the game into PvP mode and PvE mode. Although from what I hear,

Players seem to have problems trying to go toe to toe with AI even.

That’s just straight up pathetic. I knew there were parts of this playerbase that just flat out sucks, but dang didn’t know they were THAT bad. Even I can fight some bots

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I’ve seen it first hand in groups that I’m in from time to time, (if we pick up a random from groupfinder generally).

  • They never use cover

  • Always sprint until they are out of stamina, then have to recover while in the open

  • Feel they “shouldn’t have to flank, because the campers should have to come out and fight”

  • Only every use run-and-gun methods, and complain when an AI takes them out

This is why push suggestions like this one, where players actually need use a few braincells to accomplish the goal, and hopefully weed out players that literally just want to play CoD but with bots.