New lmg content for soviets in tier 5 ds 39

DS 39


900 Rounds Per Minute 600 Rounds Per Minute Slow-Firing
100 Round Magazine Capacity

This weapon was adopted in 1939 to replace the USSR’s 1910 Maxim guns, The gun offers a slow-fire mode which gives it plenty of flexibility .

lwould be cool to have more content for soviets i already unlocked everything anyways … theres nothing to unlock on soviets :slight_smile:


Where do you hold it, there doesn’t appear to be anyway to hold it without touching the barrel.

probably its like hold like the maxim tokarev too they dont hold the weapon on the barrel , i mean you know the maxim tokarev its in the game right ? they dont hold by the barrel

but its the only lmg that looks like you can hold it by your own hands like the maxim tokarev … i will try to find more

Yeah I could see this being in the TT tired of the Maxim being the Maxim😒

do what they did with the type 100 mg and just add a bunch of cloth or bandages around the barrel

I’d really rather that people ask for BR 2 soviet LMGs so we have something else to use that isn’t the Madsen.

Interesting to see how once the Germans finally got a 100 round mg after years there’s Soviet Mains all over asking yet for another 100 round mg.

thats very funny , because i dont want a lmg with better firerate with 100 bullets to compete the mg 42 100 , i just want a new lmg just … well to unlock something new in the soviet tech because i dont have anything to research

I mean literally I would not mind more stuff in the TT but to say something like that is hilarious like what we gotta wait until the Germans get another so the Soviets can ask for something💀

Just can hold it if you are brave enough, like John Basilone xD