New Graphical Improvements

they are more likely to give jap some random tank than germany at this point

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He might be trolling us and “Quite Soon™” could be equal to classic “Soon™”.

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what if Soon™ was the friend we made along the way?


You forgot to add the allies who cry for everything

Hi, I am sure you have heard of Big Action custom mod, there are several up which are fully populated day in day out. The developer has asked for maps to be imported from CRSED and really needs dev support as it doesn’t seem possible.

The custom mode itself, promoted premiums, Gold Order weapons and all it needs is XP to be granted to stop people not playing because lack of progression. People like myself are end game and will happily play this large scale enlisted with new vehicle, more players and reduced vehicle limits.

I am hoping you are the potential in this mod and can speak to Devs, Keofox was saying some effort was spent looking at this and we would see results, but as he left maybe this got left by the wayside.

Why replying here, coz I don’t seem to be able to send you a message… please do respond, a lot of old timers like myself would like to know DF position on Big Action

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They would add two but only if they are premium. They love to milk German players.


Ohhh well that’s true so we got to wait a bit longer xD

I have to say it although graphical improvement a always welcomed, on ps5 seems there are still issues each time I hear about these, especially around lighting!

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Does it mean; that bare minimum players get more fps?

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hope so

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The colors in reality are only darker and more red.

That is welcome grpahic update! :+1:

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Agree with all 5 points and look forward to them being imlemented.
Can’t believe ur point 1. wasn’t added same when Campaign based for Soldiers where introduced…
that’s just lazy.

I just hope they add more Historical Decals, Turret Numbers etc AND make them more affordable or one time forever unlocked like WT instead of like now cost multum, ridiculously overprized


im the only one that is thinking that how theyre gonna mess with the global ilumination yet again? ,when it got removed it was perfect before they re-introduce it again

Perfect for making Soviets cry at low levels


I wouldnt presume malituous intent, simply amount of research tree addtions for national balance

Its like saying Jap players will cry if we stop adding 15 new weapons per major patch since merge (necessary to add balance)

German tech tree just has horrendous ammount of TT items already

Ex special force soldier here, the after image is more realistic. The first picture look like the gun is wet or covered in oil.

Here is a picture to show the reflection of gun metal.


some people just want to watch the world burn

Theres no gun in this picture, only disturbingly long nails… :nail_care:


Holy cow are you the chupacabra? x special forces trained to claw up trees and ambush enemies from above?