New gold order Japanese soilder is very tall

The new gold order gurilla appears to be quite a bit taller than the average soilder

Tall boi:

Average soilder:

Perhaps I accidentally picked a small soilder but heres a full squad picture:

Perhaps it’s the camera angle but even here he appears to bit a fair bit taller.


Yeah, that was the first thing I noticed too. They either forgot to make him small like the other japanese, or he’s just a lot taller than others like the halloween event soviet guy

I suspected that Shoichi Yokoi was a giant, but at 173 cm tall, he was one of the tallest Japanese at the time, but he was by no means a giant.
In other words, it must be a bug.

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Same thing happened to Japan APC squad in the past, I think.

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I happen to have a really short Japanese soldier in my guerilla squad and seeing how tall Shoichi was compared to them amused me greatly.

The difference between 6ft and 5"11 :rofl:

The Squad as a whole.

I miss when my APC driver was gigantic </3

Yep, it’s a feature

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Blessed be

Apparently the Japanese scientists were manipulating this dudes genes. :blush:
Genetic GIFs | Tenor


Genetic mutation, it happens…

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