New Game Mode

I’d like to see a new optional mode where the entire map is the warzone, not this crap we have now where people will only fight over the hotspots designated by the game

So perhaps divide a map into 4-8 sections across the entirety of the map, and each zone is capped slower than regular modes and the game could have a capped time limit say 40 mins for example, and the goal is by the end of the match to control the largest amount of territory

No game made objectives, players decide where they want to fight over, hold ground and capture territory, they might opt to push out in a traditional line, or flank around and get behind enemy lines

and to prevent spawn camping, the hard spawn locations wouldn’t just be limited to the opposite end of the territory, but also around some of the perimeter edges, and optional more places to help players avoid heavy spawn camping situations

if someone makes this into a mod, let me know, I would definitely rather play that then this incoming BR rubbish


So a bit like a massive scale Conquest that is time based rather than ticket based. By the end of the timer, the team with the most territories wins?

I could get behind that!

Especially if each location had a unique bonus to it, making certain ones more coveted, but still being a dynamic experience.


we are in dire need of gamemodes.



sounds much better than the lobotomy currently called conquest


this sounds good on paper but i bet it would be too boring for the majority of playerbase, something like this would perfectly fit some custom matches though, i’ve played some custom games with similar design and i liked it, unfortunately there aren’t many of us

i wish mod editor would expand so much that it would allow for things like that. It would be just great.

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I disagree. I would say a lot of the playerbase, especially those on console, are looking for something just like this.


Like the idea. What happened to “capture the flag” ?


That really wasn’t a thing in WW2. Or in any way as a matter of fact. It’s just a fun children’s game that COD and Halo put into a shooter. I’m not against it but it’s not historically accurate.

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This would be great especially if we can spawn next to squadmates like in battlefield.

Also great if we made it last longer into multiple in-game days with night ops

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well the lobbies in custom games that offer much more slow gameplay are straight up empty.
i always struggle to get a game going, where are all the people you’re talking about?

most people are satisfied with current game pace/design. Otherwise they’d be looking for something else let say custom games just like i did back then when i realized the game pace/design is not quite there for me

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That would be extremely OP. Its bad enough that Paratroopers exist like they do in the game currently. Spawning at a rally point is fine as is, when teammates actually use them.

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The thing that you, and honestly many other people are skipping over, is that not many people really want to bother with custom games, as they want to level up their campaigns and unlock new gear.
Custom games you can get XP for your squads, but as far as I’m aware you don’t get any toward campaign progression.
In addition to this, you get reduced xp unless you can get a whole bunch of people together at once. Which to have rules in place (especially on console because we don’t have access to mods) and trying to make sure everyone abides by the rules to play fairly just is not feasible.

I play with PC disabled most of the time yet still usually have lobbies with 4 players minimum per team, usually around 6 players each give or take by mid-game.

The players are around.

No, from everyone that I’ve talked to on console, and a fair number here on the forums that play on PC, the satisfaction is NOT what you would think. In fact there are a considerably high number of players that are getting tired of it and moving on to other games on console. The xbox Enlisted club that I am in has seen a pretty substantial loss in players over the last 2 months primarily due to the lack of balance of games brought about by the ridiculously fast-paced gameplay.

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Maybe not super close but same region would be appreciative. I like coordinating with my friends on Playstation. I love doing breach and clear stuff with my friends it makes great moments.

I really like that idea, is it something like HLL or something like that?

I’ve played a few custom games with rules such as

  • no deconstructing fortifications, unless you are using engineer
  • you must use TNT as standard infantry to break fortifications
  • tanks must push up and support infantry
  • no explosive packs
    and so on.

It made the game SO MUCH MORE entertaining. (The problem though is that since I’m on console, and we don’t have access to mods, we have to rely on an honor system. Which is basically impossible outside of small groups.)

Tanks actually pushed up to help breakthrough fortifications and wire, engineers focused on breaking Czech Hedgehogs that were outdoors so that tanks could pass through and deal with fortifications, it was AMAZING!

Definitely an improvement over the run-and-gun gameplay.

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A fellow man of culture I see!

And if this new game mode used a squad layout as per robihr, would be nice

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i am only afraid that splitting entire map into many different objectives would inherit basic conquest problem. too much running and not enough fighting. this could work if you could increase player count so it is 20v20 with squads.

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on smaller maps it would be fine, like conquest, think of conquest but without the 3 little objectives

instead the entire map is equally divided into say 4 territories, and one team pushes from one side to the other, so there would be constant conflict as we see now in conquest

on the other maps, that is where perhaps you could experiment with more squads to see how it plays out

even with smaller maps like conquest there is enough room to not fight. conquest at least herds people towards conflict zone, so idk how you will force fights when you just divide map into zones.