Currently the ‘‘game mode’’ button takes you to a window with the options: Squads, Tutorial, Custom matches. It would be very interesting if this function allows us to select our favorite game mode, like Conquest, Invasion… We should be able to check and uncheck game mode options according to our favorite modes. For example my favorite game mode is Conquest, so I should leave only the conquest option selected.
you need play more swamp (conquest)
( on a side not, i truly hope the ui it’s not gonna be the one as presented. it’s truly bad )
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Actually most of my matches on swamp were decent so I wouldn’t mind.
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Game Mode for quick start a custom games
For example:
Game Mode:Big Action Battle Of Volokolamsk
I know a lot of players who want this big map, battles fill with 40 players, and you can find players playing this mode every day every week currently in the custom game list.
The developers should improve the start game feature will make it easier for players to get together.