New fighter plane for normandy axis ME-262

It would kind of have to be locked behind a paywall because what would the allies or the soviets get to counter it?
If they made it as a regular unlockable for then the most that the allies would get P-59 or the Meteor.

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Yeah, because this plane would surely end up in low BR. Even your arguments doesn’t make sense, you are waste of time.

Btw. It would end up just like flamer or rocket tanks, they are unique and enjoyable, but they are not good. It would be just super fast fighter plane with 4 mgs/low calib cannons, still pretty much useless in current enlisted.
And things like ILs are super slow even now in comparison to german fighters.
You are classic CC, being super overdramatic over completely irrelevant stuff.

I just don’t want to see jets constantly in wwii matches, that’s why I wanted them to be premiums. :man_shrugging: they’re exactly the things that could be premium stuff, they are unique but not super strong.


The Meteor saw little combat though they destroyed 46 aircraft on the ground. The P-59 never saw combat. The soviets didn’t build their first jet until 1946.

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Gotta admit, the me262 would be pretty awesome as a quick bomber interceptor.

Id get it


lol, premiums are not better than regular in-game stuff. whatever made you think that is false! I’ve had a couple of premium squads and they suck.

So Ki is worse than zero, lol?

Or new premium planes in tunisia looks pretty decent. But I don’t play this campaign much so I didn’t buy them.
Nevertheless, I was speaking about premium figthers, not all premium squads.

I think there are a few you could argue being better than tech tree

109 g-14 (i think, the one with dual 30mm) comes to mind

BA-11 sucks Churchill 3 sucks,

I was speaking about premium fighters smh

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The dev’s rules on prototypes and such is that if it existed by that point in the war, it can be added, especially for premium squads. That means Meteor and even the P-80 can be added following the progression update. Soviets do get a bit shafted, but there are ways of working around that.


MOAR Captured materials!!!

I mean, the alternative is to add Korea and use that as an excuse to add things like Mig 15s and whatnot.


Yeah, the only use of planes is to revenge bomb a tank and suicide. The reload takes WAY too long and wastes your teams slot time. People typically just suicide bomb and that’s the meta. Or for some reason in Enlisted the planes are sorta buggy. I find myself trying to bomb a target and literally flying at a 45 angle sideways and unable to pull up a lot of the time. I’ll fall out of the sky just trying to fly straight even lol

the yak 15 can be added ez, we already have 1946 gun in berlin so…

the rd-44 was tested in 45 so it’s clear))))

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