New Faction British Commonwealth and The Free French

Well this BRs are not set in stone I’m not game developer I agree its garbage xD

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Then what is the point of adding those campaigns when you are not getting it most of the time?

It will also bring trouble to matchmaking since British and French can’t join Pacific. So US is alone when fighting Japan causing many US player to be sent to Pacific while British and France are fighting Germany. In result it might be hard to get non Pacific map when playing US.

That’s why I added this campaigns to balance it out but we can not add them just add the faction and later see how it goes I also want a campaign Japan vs USSR so i can have a bit of diversity when i play Japan some city maps will be nice. Since I cant have Japan vs China :smiley:

It won’t be balanced.
You said that British and France will play in Normandy , Tunisia and Battle of the Bulge most of the time. So they will rarely be in Battle of Hong Kong to balance it out.
The only solution will be letting this faction in Pacific.

No no no no nonono big NO… I had enough Marocans in my Pacific maps…

Lol French being in Battle of Hong Kong and Battle of Bulge is any better?

Battle of Hong Kong - Wikipedia are you sure they have been no free French there ?

The WWII sacrifice of ‘Free French’ defending Hong Kong | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP (

Colmar Pocket - Wikipedia

Hope you realize I didn’t pick them at random…

What’s the point of new factions if the Japanese are trash that no one wants to play for?

Well Japan had no good event squads since a long time and also the faction BRs for Japan are not made good I made a topic about it how to fix the faction…

My Prediction For Japan Tech Tree After Japan BR 5 is Released - Suggestions - Enlisted

But even then wont be amazing but it will be playable… and second This British- French faction is nothing like Japan here you have some heavy equipment only at the very end you may feel a bit under powered with the Black Prince but not like Japan… and here you have amazing LMGs and SMGs a lot of very good equipment that will give the Germans run for their money not to mention you have good Uncle Sam to back you up if some part of the new faction decides to surrender… :drum: :rofl:

Lol some French volunteer in Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps is considered French presence?
By this logic we should have US in the eastern front since this US soldier joined the red army.

Not considered battle of bulge.

Well and how many Marocans fought Japan? So I told you it make more sense at least there was some …Operation Northwind was part of world war 2 so why do I need to even argue with your non existent logic my friend??? There was French forces fighting for the Allies until the end of the war … end of the story…

You are made of Stupid (

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Lol did you know that the Morocco squad belongs to the French army? So you will still have Moroccan squad fighting Japanese no matter how.

The battle of Bulge is Operation Wacht am Rhein.

There was Moroccan forces fighting for the Allies until the end of the war … end of the story…

There is zero value in your post check the post above again… Operation Wacht am Rhein and Operation Northwind if you think they are not connected I don’t know what to tell you check the video above again it has some valuable information for you…with a lot of evidence clearly…

Lol they are literally 2 different operation occurs in different places.

Yeah, it is as valuable as you.

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Yes yes you are right i agree with you…