New face models for soviet army

soviet soldiers in game all have slavic phenotypes. soviet union was vast country with 200+ ethnic groups.

demographics show %70 of them were east slavs. other were tajik, turkic, caucasian, mongolian, siberian natives etc…

different than western allies and axis, there were no racial restriction in soviet army and units were all mixed. when war started, all men between 18-45 were drafted regardless of their ethnic background.

so roughly every 1/3 soldier in army was not slav.

add couple of new face models and authentic names with asian, middle eastern, caucasian features
armenian general in soviet army
Hmayak Babayan
tajik ww2 veterans
images (2)
Rakhimzhan Qoshqarbaev(kazahk), the first soldier to raise soviet flag at the reichstag
mongolian in soviet army
gerogians in soviet army


We have asians in soviet army, and a long repertory of faces who can be pass as caucasian faces


That’s not true, there’s moldavian and more asian faces. Why are you lying?


We have asian and caucasian face already in the soviet army (and us one)

Not all of the soviets are white thou. There are a couple of asian faces and alot of caucasian faces too, so no.

You guys really want more ugly unpolished faces who suffer from lever failure?

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Even after Pacific campaign addition, I still think this is the best Asian face in game.

All new face models since Tunis looks :crazy_face:


I really want more faces (at least for soviets :wink: ) and i hope they will add more!

Dude, I’m Latino I only know that there are Chinese, whites and blacks

I just want the correct fallshrimjager helmets and more uniform options