New event

Does this new event bring troops? And if they bring them, are they paratroopers? Or is the photo with which they present the event just a misleading image?

they are just picture my dude also when these thing are announce you usually look for the thing than the picture in my experience

No, it’s basically just (fake) golden order soldier. Classic soldier golden order would be better.

Just one new unique soldier.


How is artwork misleading?


I dont want be harsh but you should read the event description


man even i read that and i got yell dam

“Whether you were looking for him or not, he has found you and is already asking to join your squad to take part in the battles under your command! Like all unique soldiers, his appearance is also unique and his characteristics are maximum for his class.”

Well, the truth is that it doesn’t say much, the word “single soldier” could be interpreted as meaning that they are only in that squad, but the main art leaves a lot to be interpreted as that it is a squad.


You see this and can interpret it as a unity, even more so when recent events have been about that.

Why create a new topic when you can ask in the original one?


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How sad, I lost all desire to play the event.

The developers’ posts are filled with comments, which leads to yours; gets lost, fills you with post notifications, etc.

and they yell at me cause i have problem with reading and understanding thing smh man what a world we live in

Well, if they specified that he is just a soldier, instead of leaving the text so open, one would not misinterpret things.

It clearly say its a gunner II for moscow allies i dont know how it can be

In some other way

Anwy im just close this topic since is answered