New campaign suggestion : Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1938)

Hi, today I would like to suggest a new campaign : Second Sino-Japanese War (日中戦争/抗日戦争). From 1939, the Chinese Army has hesitate to carry out large-scale operations except for the Hong Kong Defense Operation, so I limited to 1937-1938.

Units involved

Japan istockphoto-537287287-612x612

  • Imperial Japanese Marines (海軍陸戦隊)
  • Imperial Japanese Army (大日本帝国陸軍)
    • Shanghai Expeditionary Army(上海派遣軍)
      →In February 1938, integrated into Central China Expeditionary Army (中支那派遣軍)
    • 10th Army (第10軍)
      →In February 1938, integrated into Central China Expeditionary Army (中支那派遣軍)
    • 2nd Army (第2軍)

China 102426

  • Chinese National Revolutionary Army (国民革命軍)

Combat zone

  • Battle of Shanghai (第二次上海事変─August 1937-November 1937)
    The war began from this battle. See my friend’s post for more information on the Battle of Shanghai↓
    Suggetion for East-Asian War: The Shanghai Campaign

  • Landing to kinmen island (金門島上陸作戦─October 1937)

    This operation was planned by Japanese Navy to block river and marine traffic.
    Battles of Kinmen Island and Amoy Island are landing operations from sandy beaches., so you will be able to design games like the Normandy campaign.

  • Battle of Nanjing (南京攻略戦─December 1937)

    It was a battle over the capital Nanjing, which was a fortified city. Note that it was a siege, not an urban warfare.

  • Battle of Xuzhou (徐州会戦─April 1938-June 1938)

    The National Revolutionary Army blew up the Yellow River embankment at midnight. The Japanese army has decided to suspend the pursuit to rescue isolated troops and refugees.

  • Landing to Amoy island (厦門島上陸作戦─May 1938)
    This operation was planned by Japanese Navy to block river and marine traffic.

  • Battle of Wuhan (武漢会戦─June 1938-October 1938)
    武漢へ向かう日本軍の車列_Japanese armored troops heading to Wuhan

    Wuhan was Chinese largest heavy industry zone, but due to the decision to abandon it, only the 1st and 2nd Group Army (Ⅸ WarZone) remained when the Japanese troops arrived.


Japan istockphoto-537287287-612x612


Rifle grenade

Rare rifle

  • Arisaka Type 30 rifle (三十年式歩兵銃)
    Type 30 rifle
    This old type rifle Used for training during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
  • Murata Type 22 rifle (二二年式村田連発銃)
    Type 22 rifle
    This old type rifle Used for training during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
  • Ko-go trial rifle (試製自動小銃甲号)
    Japanese Pidersen copy Trials rifle
  • Otsu-go trial rifle (試製自動小銃乙号)
    Japanese Copy ZH-29
  • Hei-go trial rifle (試製自動小銃丙号)
    Japanese Gas-operated Pedersen Rifle

Submachine gun / Shotgun

Rare SMG

  • Type 2 experimental submachine gun (試製二型機関短銃)

Light machine gun

Rare LMG


  • Type 26 revolver
  • Mauser C96
  • Type 94 pistol
  • FN M1910
  • Type 14 pistol


  • Type 10 mortor (十年式擲弾筒)
    Type 10 mortor

  • Type 89 “Knee” mortor (八九式重擲弾筒)
    If you shoot with your knee, your leg will break.

China 102426


  • Hanyang Type 88 rifle / Gewehr 1888 (漢陽八八式歩槍)
    DEU_RF_Gew88 (1)

  • Hanyang carbine
    Hanyang 88 carbineHaynang carbine

  • Hanyang Type 79 rifle (漢陽七九式歩槍)

  • Mauser Standerdmodel (中正式歩槍)

  • Vz.24

  • Liao Type 13 (一三式歩槍)

  • Type 4 rifle (四年式歩槍)

  • FN Model 1930 (二一式歩槍)

Rifle grenade

  • Lebel M1886 with Brandt Mle 31 Rifle grenade
    スクリーンショット 2022-01-08 050624Yunnan_clique
    Yunnan clique (雲南派) inported them from France.

Rare rifle

Submachine gun

  • Full-Automatic C96
  • Thompson M1928(7.63×25mm,20-rounds)
    ThompsonM1928 20 rounds
  • S1-100(7.63×25mm,32-rounds)
  • Thompson M1928(7.63×25mm,30-rounds)
    Chinese M1928
  • Tsing tao Type16 Submachinegun (青島海軍工廠製MP-18,50-rounds)

Rare SMG

  • Mauser M1896 carbine
    スクリーンショット 2022-01-13 031051

Light machine gun

  • Madsen light machine gun
  • Hotchkiss Mle 22
  • Sig KE7
    Sig KE-7
  • FN Mle D
  • ZB-26

Rare LMG

  • Type 17
    Type 17 LMG
    Copy of Japanese Type 11.
  • Lahti-Saloranta M/26


  • Mauser C96
  • FN M1900
  • Ruby Pistol


  • MAM Guerilla mortor (French 37mm mortor)
    スクリーンショット 2022-01-08 042849
    Yunnan clique (雲南派) inported them from France.
  • Brandt Mle 1935 (French 60mm mortor)
    スクリーンショット 2022-01-13 035518
    Yunnan clique (雲南派) inported them from France.
  • Warlord light Morotor (Maybe 41mm?)
    スクリーンショット 2022-01-13 035124

Actually, neither army had flamethrowers, sniper rifles, or anti-tank rifles at the time. As for the National Revolutionary Army, it is possible that they had a very small number of Remington M30s.


Japan istockphoto-537287287-612x612


  • Type 94 light aromored car TK (九四式軽装甲車 TK)
    type 94 tk

Weapon: 6.5mm light machine gun
Mobility: 40km/h, 3.45t
Aromor: 8-12mm

  • Type 89 medium tank (八九式中戦車)

    Weapon: Type 90 57mm tank gun, 6.5mm light machine gun×2
    Mobility: 25km/h, 11.9t
    Aromor: 6-17mm

  • Type 95 light tank (九五式軽戦車)
    Weapon: Type 94 37mm tank gun, 6.5mm light machine gun×2
    Mobility: 40km/h, 7.4t
    Aromor: 6-12mm


  • Type 95 Fighter
  • Type 93 Heavy Bomber
  • Type 96 Carrier-based Fighter
  • Type 96 Carrier Attack Bomber

China 102426


  • Vickers Carden-Loyd Mark 6 Machine-gun Carrier
    Vickers heavy machine gun carrier
    Weapon: 7.7mm Vickers Heavy Machine-Gun
    Mobility: 48km/h, 1.5t
    Aromor: 6-9mm

  • Renault FT
    Weapon: Puteaux SA 18 37mm gun
    Mobility: 7km/h, 6.5t
    Aromor: 8-22mm

  • Vickers 6-Ton Mk. E Type B
    Vickers 6-Ton Mk. E Type B
    Weapon: 3 pdr (47mm) gun, 7.7mm Vickers Heavy Machine-Gun
    Mobility: 35km/h, 7.3t


  • Fiat CR.32
  • Tupolev SB
  • Curtiss BF2C Goshawk
  • Boeing P-26 Peashooter
  • Vultee V-11-G

Yes please. That is all.


High effort, great quality post. Very nice idea.


Few days ago i also made japanese tech tree for pacific campaign. Since i want to avoid most possible copy paste weapon and the fact that japanese didn’t have many smg, I decided to give various type of katanas (軍刀) to assaulter instead of just mundane copy paste fogein smg.


What a nice suggestion! I support it.

About sniper:
They were adopted in 1939, so it is not so common in the early Sino-Japanese War, but Japanese also had Type 38 Kai Sniper Rifle / 三八式改狙撃銃 and Type 97 Sniper Rifle / 九七式狙撃銃. (English Wikipedia says it entered service in 1937, but it is wrong: adopted in March 7, 1939)
Looking around this game, developer seems to be thinking that sniper is necessary for initial troops. For convenience of game, perhaps it may have to implement Lamington M30 with scope for Chinese and Type 38 Kai / Type 97 Sniper Rifles for Japanese.


This would be nice but i would rather a USA vs Japan Okinawa or Iwo Jima.

Or if you want china i will only take shanghai

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In 1934, Type 93 flamethrower (九三式小火焔発射機) was developed in Japan and it may have been equipped by the Imperial Japanese Marines. I completely forgot about it.

The USA has everything better.And the Pacific Ocean of the USA against Japan is too common.


great work.
the more ‘primitive’ equipment, the better this game is. every player can be an equal danger to everyone else.
when late war guns and tanks were added to certain campaigns, this balance went south.
even if you consider low end SMGs - it is still better to run and gun like in a random shooter, than play more tactically with rifle (like in, for example, Red Orchestra)


Yeah Nice idea hehe i want to play Japan troop in custom nomandy Map :laughing:


In addition SNLF also had outdated Mark 1 flamethrower (一号火焔発射機)
There are Mark 2 flamethrower too, but it is not personal-carried one so it is not suitable for game)