New Campaign Levels

It says new update available in game on ps5, but when I do check for latest update it says it is up to date, do I need to wait? Nothing to download yet, but cannot play Enlisted either…


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Yeah that’s right, Germany has been winning, Germany has been winning all the way to Berlin for 45 years.

I’ve been sleeping on it and…

I’m a bit sad about Moscow unlocks. The only field where axis excelled here was lmgs. But now, well… The dt29 is better than the regular mg34 (can try both in Berlin)
And whilst the new axis smg does seem nice, it’s still not better than the ppsh, and also later lvl unlock :thinking:

I won’t talk about planes, not my field of expertise.

The faction has been struggling for some time now and I fear it won’t help. It’s left with mkb42h sniper as advantage and that’s it.

Well, my beloved Moscow campaign, farewell, I’ll stay in weapon balanced Stalingrad.


I guess it’s “soul for a soul” situation where the axis achieve complete domination on Normandy, 1919a6 seems to be a great defensive weapon though the allies are attacking 90% of the time, at the cost of being the worse one in Moscow

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Mmmh, not to that point. Allies have really great tools in Normandy, taking premiums aside.

Heard their planes are effective (their nukes are annoying) and their tanks ARE good and early unlocks. Yes, sure, panther, but m10 is good enough to deal with that.

As for weaponry, axis got mp43 sure… but the “brrrr” tommy is a death ray. Allies got the BAR, which I choose over any axis lmg and now have 1919, a truly great lmg if the same as the one on the Tunisia motorcycle.

In short, allies in Normandy are far from shorthanded, they have their great stuff. In Moscow, now, whatever Axis has, Soviets got better. It’s a no brainer here, Stalingrad lineup is (seems) more balanced…

I’m sad, I loved Moscow as many here know…

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not denying their equipment is bad; though the axis has a Brrt machine that fired as fast as the PPD-40, m10 lacks a turret drive so it’s basically a casemate in the game as well as the only other tank that can really oppose the panther funny enough I rarely died while sitting by the cap in panther, the only CAS really worth a damn on the allies is the lvl 27 thunderbolt though the axis has something similar at lvl 4 with the axis get the bonus of not being glitched. The axis gets their own version of the BAR called the FG42, while their MGs really aren’t bad especially the Breda mod 30.

The only reason why allies have been better until now is because they have the glorious M1 carbine

:laughing: not biased at all

But still, allies HAVE good or equivalent stuff. In Moscow, everything axis has is inferior, save for the sniper mkb. BUT since this mkb is also found in Stalingrad, there’s just no reason to play Moscow anymore, unless one likes to stomp pve, or get stomped 🤷

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Wouldn’t say every thing is worse in Moscow since the vz-24 is really good and the 98k is a good all rounder plus you can Larp as ww1 vets with the 98

Well bolt actions are good for axis… But, Winchester!

So axis don’t have better here either :no_mouth:

Winny isn’t a bolt action though :wink:

(I know it’s lever action, but is categorized as such in Enlisted :sweat_smile:)

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i am not an expert myself, but from what i can tell the bf 110 F-2 is just the bf 110 C-7 (the lvl 19 unlock) with slightly more engine power. guns, ammo count, tailgun and bombs are all the same and i hate it

Really? :thinking: I liked it when there wasn’t any Yak in the sky though (c7) it had enough ammunition to take down an IL after 30 seconds of sustained fire (I MIGHT exaggerate) and it’s bombs were potent (But I haven’t used it much after the bomb fix so I dunno. Yes, been since that long.)

It was especially useful as it didn’t take up the attacker slot, so your team could bomb very effectively (and axis in Moscow needs all the help it can get) :thinking:

Maybe with tail gunner it will be great… maybe?

oh dont get me wrong i love the C-7, flying it is my second favourite thing to do in moscow (right behind mkb :smiling_imp:)

i just hate that they added just the exact same plane again, thats just boring and lazy

We sadly didn’t get it. Now Axis armament in Moscow is sub par in all fields Exept maybe sniper mkb, a niche weapon.

The new smg looks nice… but should have been lower unlock beside Soviets ppsh41 (and ppsh41 is still better!) I don’t know if you’ve used the dt29, but it’s a great killing machine in Berlin, easily better than the mg34. Poor Axis.

Stalingrad LOOKS balanced at least.


i love the DT lol. criminally underrated gun. i dont know if i would call it better than the mg 34, but its definetly not worse. but regardless axis moscow desperatly needs something that will attract more people right now


The ONLY unique thing it HAD was the mkb42h sniper (and some bolties)… now in balanced Stalingrad. No reason to grind Moscow Axis. It saddens me as it was my favourite campaign…

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how to make money in a totally not scummy way

  1. add bf 109 F-2 to moscow

  2. remove bombs from bf 109 F-2 in moscow with bullshit reasoning not applied anywhere else in the game

  3. wait a few months

  4. release a ““new”” bf 109 F-2 that still has its bombs but make it cost as much as a AAA game


And now we have NEW aircrafts in Berlin campaign where on one side there is La-7 with 2 100kg bombs and on the other side we have Bf 109 K-4 with only nose 30mm cannon, not even gunpods available. Also squads to which these 2 aircrafts belongs now are using on both sides fighters without any bombs or rockets, so now one side got bombs and other side did not.

As you already mentioned in Moscow was the opposite Bf 109 F-2 had bombs that got removed later and Mig-3 did not from the start.