I totally missed this. Two times they have a new campaign in new format listed AFTER the progression overhaul. Aside from being a little delayed and possibly pushing one or both into 2024, what do you guys think this means?
Could say the same about initial Japanese expansion into SE Asia. Think Phillipines, (might be omitted because it’d be copy paste tier 1 US/Japan) or more interestingly Malaya and the Dutch Indies. Both saw a lot of fighting using troops you’d not see elsewhere. Variety of British, Indian and Malayan (incl ethnic Chinese) Commonwealth troops with Dutch KNIL (Dutch and Indonesian) forces.
I am very much hoping for a 1940 mini campaign. Think Netherlands, Belgium, France vs 1940’s Germany.
That would be amazing!
I think it is likely to be only the addition of maps and weapons related to one famous battle of WW2. For instance this could be the Battle of the Bulge for the US/Germany or the battle of Kursk for USSR/Germany. I do not think that they will introduce a new faction because the point of the merge is to reduce the spread of player across the different campaigns.
I think Bulge will just be absorbed into US vs Germany.
The current campaign system is going away in favour of adding “whatever US” and “whatever Germany” to current US/Ger maps. I don’t see how the Bulge would be different than Normandy.
Seeing that campaigns will go away and a new format campaign will come makes me think we’ll see minor nations like War Thunder. Unlike War Thunder, these minor nations won’t be mixed so I’m not expecting France to be fighting in the Pacific, or Berlin but perhaps get a mini campaign with 1 or 2 tiers and will get matched with Germany tier 1 and 2 players. France for example would only play that campaign and low tier german players may or may not end up in there via the matchmaker (assuming no match maker preferences selected).
Just speculation but am pretty sure Bulge will just be another American vs Germany map like Normandy or Tunisia after the merge.
I don’t think we’ll really get “minor” nations in this game. Everything more or less gets lumped into the Allies and Axis. In terms of the de facto factions there is US/UK, Germany/Italy, Soviet Union, and Japan. Ideally I’d want them to separate the UK and Italy but that’s about it.
It would be great to have content from minor factions, but I’d view them more as Event or Premium stuff.
In terms of campaigns I think the next two will be Market Garden and Italy. But in general I just want to say that hopefully as time goes on we continue to get more and more maps. There are so so so many battles to add and see
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I, too, think that “new format” means post-merge, and as such “new campaign” is to be interpreted as new map(s) set in a previously omitted war theatre.
(This, incidentally, increases my hopes for some Italian invasion maps.)
Adding the Battle of the bulge would just add some maps for top Battle Rating games between US and Germany, all the will introducing new vehicles and planes such as Tiger II H and M26 pershing and maybe even jets for Germany.
It will not be a campaign as we know it (hence the “new format”) but rather an extension of what we have. Let say Tunisia will be for low BR, Normandy for mid BR and the Bulge for High BR for instance. Just as the soviets have Moscow, Stalingrad and Berlin.
I hope for a Bulge or Italy, but Kursk and Bagration would also be good.
There is no clear explanation on this if that is before merge or after besides what the hell is a new campaign in a new format anyway like will the Soviets fight against Japan or what
Only to get spread out by BRs instead of splitting the playerbase on just by nations but instead + BRs too.
Ah yeah now I get it. Just weird wording and the not standalone campaigns. Thx, didn’t really understand that.
no look I’ve added the link to the new