New campaign / game

New game / campaign on the Cold War

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Eh, no. Why? Because WW2 shooter and all campaigns will be merged together to one big blob like Warthunder with BR and whatever else.


Why not to add all the WW2 main battles first?

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Maybe in 2027-2028. I think you should just wait.



I won’t mind Korea (to have soviet vs US probably), but there are still so many things to explore in WW2. Pretty sure no one wants to have random BS of WW2 tanks versus cold war like in War Thunder, particularly with the merge

yea never like that in warthunder if it was for wacky stuff sure but i think some weapon appearing can make sense like in vietnam (i think) where stg44 somehow appear in real life so it could work but yea we should finish ww2 first before korea and other war

Well. In Korea, it would be somewhat accurate though excluding for the Germans ofc (unless they are used by Arabs and French).