New bomb load on Hurricane now a LT contender

Only just found out the Hurricane from Tunisia now has bombs! Along with 12 cannons, this is a good choice for allied air (low tier 1/2)

Where was this published in notes? Any other changes I missed?


it does? it indeed does :rofl:


Indeed it suddenly has bombs now!
But no bombs for the spitfire, I’m afraid.


BR 1 vs BR 2??
I’m gonna stop thinking “why” and just be happy that the hurricane has bombs now…
It will be fun dropping those bombs on unsuspecting enemies in Tunisia.

BTW well spotted, sir @WidowMakerUk73

Schermafbeelding 2023-12-20 083958

Schermafbeelding 2023-12-20 083936


And The Pacific Islands :rofl:


Easy pickings for Zero already :slight_smile:

And it isn’t 12 cannon - it’s 12 x .30 machineguns :slight_smile:

Edit: Also the 250 lb bomb is pretty rubbish for it’s size - it has about 31kg TNT, which is not much more than various other 100lb-60kg bombs from other nations.

Eg the Zero it will oppose has 2 x 60kg bombs that have 23kg, the US 100lb bomb has 24.5kg.


Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 5.05.40 pm

it’s the best 100kg/250lbs-er there is. Stand out over the rest. Note the 250kg is supposed to be 250lbs and is a type-o. Previously only found on the Boomerang.


You know you can get a P40 with better bombload right?

Is that in-game stats??

If it is then it looks like they are paying no attention to its actual load - the USA 250lb AN-M57 has almost twice as much explosive at 58kg, the USSR FAB-100sv has a little more at 36kg, Italian GPT 100 has 50kg…

British BP bombs were notorious for having weak explosive loads for their size, and so they redesigned them to teh MC range -= MC = “Medium Capacity” - eg the 500lb MC has 210 -230 lb filling depending on the filling (about 95-10kg), whereas the 500lb GP has only 65kg - about 140 lb.

P40 has 2x 100lb
Hurricane 2x 250lb

It still should be good enough to get some tank kills if you donk them right over the head with them? I think?

But that 24,5 kg turn into less then 20 kg when you convert amatol into TNT.

Yeah it’s from a pinned post here in the mess room. Massive spreadsheet.

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Wait a moment… they legit gave the soviet a better P40 than the US one lmao

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you guys are so fked man


Lmao I never noticed.

Anyway I think that P-38 is the best low tier fighter for the US, better than P-40 or hurricane (also hurricane is reaally slow)

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Depends on the mix - War Thunder apparently gives it 100% equivalency for a 50/50 mix

In some circumstances it can be better since TNT is oxygen deficient but Ammonium Nitrate (the other ingredient) is oxygen neutral. Eg see the wiki article on TNT equivalence and Relative Efficiency - TNT equivalent - Wikipedia - an 80/20 mix is 110% RE, whereas 50/50 is given 91%.

Also any Amatol mix is lighter than the same volume of TNT

Because the Soviet one is lined up against differnt a/c - the IAR-81 with 2 x 50kg and 1 x 250kg, plus 20mm cannon, so “balance” was needed in that campaign.

Yeah the 38G is pretty good - easy to outmanouver in a Zero or A5, but much faster, and you’re dead if it gets 1st shot and the player is a decent shot!

Plus the rockets are a decent load, and IT IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE PACIFIC!! :+1: :exploding_head: :rofl:


Hurricane Mk IIb/trop — added 2 G.P 250lb Mk.IV bombs.
A5M4 — added 2 60kg Type 97 ground bombs.
Yak-1 — replaced the 50 kg FAB-50sv (forged) bombs with 2 FAB-100sv (forged) bombs.


This makes me feel a bit better, for using it, when i get sent pacific thank you :smile:
But ofc, i would use the Boomerang, if BR II :cry:

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