You can’t recreate the atmosphere of a spectacular battle without believable wounds on soldiers and blood on the ground, walls, sandbags … everywhere! In the “Tigers of Burma” update, we will pay more attention to such effects.
The particle effects when hitting a soldier will become more noticeable and natural. Overall, all blood marks will improve: droplets, splatter, and footprints will look more realistic and will be more accurately projected onto surfaces.
Hit marks on soldiers’ bodies will become more diverse and detailed. It will not only matter where the soldier was hit, but also whether the wound is covered with clothing. The fabric will absorb the blood immediately, while on uncovered parts of the body, there will be clearly visible bullet entry holes with bruises.
The blood puddles formed under the bodies of fallen soldiers will also change noticeably. They will not only have improved shading with realistic reflections, but will also have improved spreading and merging mechanics.
This means that in areas where whole squads died, the puddles will merge into one. Their appearance will also depend on the surface on which they formed - whether on the ground or indoors.
Bloody Mess “With the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Fun! Oh, and you’ll do 5% more damage with all weapons.”
Regarding the Road map, you guys did an amazing job!
Most of the entries were or will soon be completed.
However there is one that Im yet to hear anything on:
Rebalancing customization prices
Im sitting on 2000 customization orders and they are starting to burn a hole in my pocket so I was wondering if its worth it to hold on to them for now?
I’m absolutely thrilled with this update, basically everything about it I like (except maybe for US captured Ofenrohr, but that’s understandable to some extent).
Really cool shift after the disappointing GO discontinuation and the previous bizarre event that added things like the demon tank to the game.
Luckily, I haven’t it seen it in match yet. (Btw. Bugged customization for those Halloween event squads still hasn’t been fixed on test server, kinda disappointing as well)
Now I just hope the Christmas event will be a good one.
There’s not always enough time for developers to do everything on roadmaps, alongside all the other features within updates. Nonetheless, rest assured that everything stated on the roadmap is still intended to be completed.
those would sure be welcome. Since G43 kurz change Im not comfortable with spending real money on GOs but there are many thing in BP shop I would pick up.