New battle hero

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We need more achievements in general, sounds like pain to do this one but I’ve done it once or twice, a fun achievement to work for though.

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funny avatar. I was banned for a week for less.


Just had to curse the poor sap huh?

But yeah more battle hero tasks will always be welcome, though honestly Id upgrade the battle hero task to something more like, “Most aircraft shot down from the ground”, to encourage people to build AA guns and etc.

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I wish some of the tasks were less specific. Like if you dont have a plane youll never get that task. Or special weapons like flamethrowers.

My squadmate doesnt even have flamethrowers.

Likewise I dont have any sniper rifles because they are useless in Enlisted on account of the nature of the game (sure you can snipe but very soon youll be overrun or someones got to take the objective so have fun trying to clear a building with a scoped rifle against a squad of SMG armed enemies)

lol the only encouragement they need to do that is shoot them down in down their CAS plane with a fighter a few times. Almost guarantee they will sit in AA for the rest of the game.

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see the issue there is a solid 90% of players cant fly, so CAS planes with half decent pilots can win 90% of their engagements, and that goes up to 99% if they get the drop first.

AA is so braindead easy, that its near impossible to not score a kill with.

exactly why they do it once shot down. lol…closest thing to a guaranteed revenge

Ahhhh I getcha now, yeah thats true, only issue is about half of those people dont know engineers exist, another half of that half dont know only the engi squad can make an AA gun, and 90% of that last 25% dont have an engi squad in their lineup.