New batch of questions

ehh… problem is, it’s really time consuming…

anyway, good night.

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Seeeems I doing something wrong?

Almost like it:
(I did save and restarts).

  1. Create M13.
  2. Write and fill attach_decorations.
  3. Create decor with postfix node_attached_itm?
    (In screenshot decor is flag).
  4. Write entity and id in decor+node_attached_itm properties?
    (It does teleport… But not always?).
  5. Copy decor+node_attached_itm id and put it to M13.

I’ll retry a bit later.

well, yeah.

the process is that one. but i forgot to mention the important part, tick the Decor_swapYz on the decoration it self ( to enable it ) and should save the position.

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