New batch of questions

here is a video of what i do


Whoah. It’s really strange that they don’t appear!

Well… I did it by this way:

After close entities menu or click to right mouse button I activate it:

And change ri_extra__name.

Then start try your way… And confused:

Seems because of Willys_MB… Or not…

Teams are too okay:

So… Here problem in DevMode?

No… WTH?

Oh damn. Heh. I check video again. And note that you hide scenery_remover.
So… What If scenery_remover also removes these vehicles when map starts?


i doubt that… the reason why i removed it, it was because of not cluttering the view since there are already many things on the screen…

which… tried when i made the ambulance it self above, and still disappeared.

so… yeah, this method doesn’t work either.

guess no transportable ammo nor medkits then.


Yeah. Not because of this (or I just can’t normal config it). And not because of battle areas…
Um… I’m sorry, but can you send scene.blk? To private messages? I want check it.
And try spawn these vehicles.

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yeah, sure.

( sorry for late answer )


Well… I think you found bug.
It seems happened because of crazy file size (+3mb).
So… When you restart scene… It may not save all code.

Well… I’m not very sure, because it freeze when I tries do restart.
But once time seems i able restart it and i got it:

You can note that I success added vehicles, but here no decorations on beach & no vehicles.
File size seems cutted from 3mb to 300kb. Not sure.

But save file works okay? I not sure.
I did some changes and restart map by exit from editor and open it again seems more stable.

I think you can somehow avoid it by this way: make backup your folder with scene.blk.
When you do chances in main scene.blk then add them to copy. And use copy when upload file to sandbox.

About map… It’s soo cool! Please don’t abandon it ;.;

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so i guess i’ll avoid using those utility vehicles.

or … honestly;

i’m really considering that.

the fact that half of the stuff is unknowed to me.
tommy with templates ( not his fault. bless him but just like custom loadout, i have no clue how to do them, or how to fully use them ), limitations, etc.
it’s kinda having it’s weight.

not sure i’ll manage to keep up to be honest.

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alright so,

just to answer a few things base on what i found out,

either my version of the editor is fucked up, or something is out of place.

so, if i try to make a ambulance vehicle ( or ammo one ) it doesn’t work in any other new map without stuff on it.

as soon i add the second template, it disappear for whatever reason… not allowing me to even change ri and stuff.

on the other hand, if i make it in my map, it kinda works, but then if i restart, it’s like i never did anything.

second discovery;

i tried to attach decorations using the emtr_fire_engine ( or engine. since some vehicles to do not have a specific id number for that part, but doesn’t work either.

i have no clue either how they managed to put decors on premium tanks such as the tunisia one.

if you take as example the flag, and you click on it, it says that it’s under the node_attached_nodeId = 74

yet, if you click on the tank it self, and view the attachable parts, 74 has something else

i have no clue how those do works.
ids are completely different, and the nodename in the decor section has a different name.

which i tried with the sherman in the decor template to use the emtr_fire_engine either doesn’t work, or it’s flying across meters from the body

the only vehicle i managed to make decorations works, are on halftrucks.

since the nodeName on root and the id 1 is related to the body of the whole halftruck.


It’s because base_fortification_build creates in 0x, 0y and 0z coordinates.
And if you have here gray zone then it will automatically disappears if you add ammunition or medic box templates.

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Well… I still bad in attached things.
I don’t know much. And think that you still know more then i’m.
I just edit attaches by this way:

Y…Yeah… If you want change coordinates then you must edit em in scene.blk.

i don’t have any area to begin with though

i thought about that, but it’s difficult to get the exact gear or for example, turret.

but, i haven’t considered that. so i’ll try it out. and see what i manage to get.

Hmmm? I probably didn’t really undestand… but…
You can check where 0x0y0z in map. Just spawn this fortification and choose “move”.
Then you will find area where zero coordinates.

I can only say that first three “coodinates” are object scale.
The four is real possition.

doesn’t work either:

the first plank attached to the engine is the referencial decor to use the coordinates.

the second plank is the actual generated one.
despite having same coordinations, they are totally in different places.

so, back again on the IDs. you either find it, or give up.

      relativeTm:m=[[1, -0, 0] [0, -0, -1] [0, 1, -0] [-0.00111389, -1.58914, 0.0607093]]

Looking to code coordinates should be from vehicle centre or from attachable zone (in example it’s turret).
First is X, second is Z and third is Y. (Flag a bit higher so it will have z = -1.58914).

the plank doesn’t though

After restart. I didn’t added any new objects. Only write attached code in vehicle and only.

  transform:m=[[0.949236, 0, 0.314567] [0, 1, 0] [-0.314567, 0, 0.949236] [447.671, 1.1, -392.717]]

      relativeTm:m=[[1, -0, 0] [0, -0, -1] [0, 1, -0] [0, 1.5, 0]]

      relativeTm:m=[[0.0711245, 0.996641, -0.0385771] [0.0327352, -0.0409823, -0.998381] [-0.996822, 0.0697538, -0.0355452] [-1.59975, 0.432514, -0.0263956]]

Nothing more.
I’m sorry. A bit lazy edit object possition.

i see.

so i’m adding more useless datas to the transform.?

no… i don’t understand

why do they have different type of coordinates, and why are not the same.

I still can’t understand how you attach these objects in other ways.
Is here (in forum) any guides about it?


Well… I think because it’s better and optimize code.
Would be cool if we were able see full transform & attached_tm properties…
And also edit em… Just move and it will automatically change coordinates…
Or at least show what is new coordinates.


i think i’m the only one who ( sort of ) understood how to attach them.

i was gonna make a guide about it, but my " method " only works for halftracks:

so, basically,

you place two vehicles, the first one, it’s a vehicle with already having decorations on top. such as the tunisia panzer IV G.

and then you place a second vehicle of your choice, which it’s the one you are gonna customize ( once again, the method i used, only worked for the M13 )

.> you select the M13, open the pannel, write dec , open the decoration Template, select " + " and add many functions Object , many as you want.

.> save & restart

.>reselect the M13, upon each templates that you have, add two text ( again, with the + ) one named nodeName , and the other template after that, in the text box at the top for looking parameters, copy and paste the M13 ID.

in the nodeName, i typed root ( because it’s the " bone " of the vehicle it self )
in the template parameter, you insert the name of the decoration it self.

.> duplicate stuff from the vehicle with decorations that you want to put on your vehicle, select it, and paste the M13 ID in the node_attached__entity and press enter.
then, type 0 in the decor__id ( reason being, decors list starts from 0. )
and lastly, type 1 inside node_attached_nodeId

.> the object should teleport at center mass, which you should be then able to move around. once you have placed it, make sure to change the rotation a bit ( even if not needed. because sometimes the decoration it self glitches out if you do not at least rotate it once. ) after that, TICK the Decor_swapYz box

.> write and copy the ID of the decoration, and paste it in the M13 Decoration Entities ( in the 0 )

.> save, and restart. which should then save the whole process and the object should remain.
works in mp as well.

but does not works for tanks.

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I’ll try it tomorrow (it’s late for me rn + want sleep). Thanks!