New Allies gold order/premium weapons

I made a list of allied weapons some time ago which I have decided to revise and remake. I originally had some weapons that were already in the game a plus i discovered some new stuff.

T24: The T24 is a American copy of the MG-42. The catch is that its chambered in 30-06! Would definitely be br 5. Preferably an event weapon. I want to see this one the most.

Thompson t2: The thompson t2 would be best as a event/gold order.

Thompson model 1923: The Thompson model 1923 was a standard Thompson but with a bipod and bayonet lug. This would be an awesome gold order. Maybe make it very controllable since there’s so much weight in the front.

Sedgley OSS .38: The Sedgley OSS .38 would be a great event weapon. I would add it as a “melee” weapon like a knife or sword, but you punch someone in the head and it fires.

Sterling smg: The sterling was used by British paratroopers later on in the war. I think a whole squad based around this weapon would be best.

Sten mk5/Sten mk5 paratrooper model: The sten mk5 and the paratrooper model of the mk5 are pretty unique. I don’t really know a place for them though, whether it be the tech tree, gold weapon, event weapon etc.

Austen mk2: The Austen mk2 could probably have a whole squad based around it. It is almost the same as the mk1 but it looks cooler and is technically slightly better.

No 74 “sticky bomb”: The No 74 sticky grenade could be the first event grenade. It does have a decent amount of tnt so it could probably be used as a anti-everything grenade.

Viper no 3: The viper No 3 would be kinda similar to the bsa welgun. I just don’t know how I’d implement it.

Sten mk4 (s): Finally there’s the Sten mk4 (s) this could be a great event paratrooper squad weapon. This is definitely my second favorite.

Thompson 1923 rifle fixed mag, standard mag, and lmg: Not to be confused with the Thompson model 1923. This is an auto rifle, and it’s ballistics were comparable to the 1903 springfield. Any of these would be great event weapons.

Johnson 1944e1/1945 lmg: Almost the exact same as the 1941 except it has a monopod, different stock, and the long recoil operation system is gas assisted.

Charlton automatic rifle (lee einfeild): While the lee Medford is more of an lmg the Charlton lee einfeild is more like an American counterpart to the t20. Would be a great gold weapon order. (Credits to @Atomik_Invader Invader)

SREM-1: This gun was an extremely unique bullpup, pump action grip, czech made, British sniper. (Credits to @Atomik_Invader nvader)

Huot lmg: Would be an awesome Canadian engineer/radio operator squad. (Credits to @noktinnky_noktin)


Insert Vegeta gif cause I can’t load anything at work Mine mine mine mine mine mine

Charlton automatic rifle already exist in the game

The lee Medford variant is, not the lee einfeild

It couldn’t fire without failing.

However, DF seems to be obsessed with failed designes, like Tokyo Arsenal that exploded during trials or Ho Ri which was simply wooden.

So wouldn’t be surprised.


Make it a BP or event US weapon, give it a 100+rds belt, and watch the entire population of German players have a stroke.


Yeah they’ve given up on their pseudo-historical accuracy

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Most likely a British low BR event (or maybe premium?) paratrooper squad

I’d love it so darn much

Why’s that?
