I suggest adding new abilities for tankers to Elista
While it would be nice to see more varied perks for other crew members, I dont think these are the ones id go for, like just from a quick pick, surviving a crit hit by using stanima isnt going to let that crewmember survive anything that has penetrated that armour as is, plus you can just use the vitality option as is. Theres already perks for speeding up repair, no need to have a special one just for engine repair.
Honestly the only one on this list that has any merit is the auto tagging skill, but even that that should be limited from 5-10 meters, basically all it can do is inform you someone has stuck TNT on your tank.
Instead id rather has more active AI in the tank, like the dedicated machine gunner actually using the machine guns and not having to be manually guided by player, make frontally charging a tank with a hull mount a bad idea.
Agreed, and also there’s a ton of tanks with machine gunners and non functional hull machine guns. Wish that those could both be usable by the commander AND shoot automatically at targets on all tanks. That would protect tankers a bit from people rushing with tnt or explosive charges, and force people to flank rather than just rush the tank from the front.
Formchanin go to the ru forum . New topics and a lot of good humor are waiting for you.
Moving out
Your right, comrade forumchanin!
I ask something similar for engies with tools…I wish they give us some of fixing tanker perks <,<
2 slots 1 First aid kit 1 Tools for engineers only without handbag
Now that guerrillas are being added giving some adventages to tanks sounds very good : )