The balance is too good, what they need to nerf is the enemy team.
20 minutes to take the first point and we don’t get past the second ._.
The balance is too good, what they need to nerf is the enemy team.
The best part is when in the previous post they told me that the BRs were not mixed and that it was all intentional.
So either my entire team was trolls or they lied to me.
Have you checked all the servers for balance
hmm? This happens often.
But it doesn’t bother me as much as being told that br doesn’t mix and having teammates with br2-3 weapons xD
You really should try playing around with the servers, we have such that there is a wandering balance depending on the time in a particular region.
USSR is not bad to play on low br on ru eu servers. But on high br already axis have better online usually.
At least 3 of your team were bots and I don’t think any of their team was bots.
What you need is allocation based on ability and intelligence
Instead of letting the enemy’s anti-intellectual groups become as numerous as yours
What if…
You get nerfed because from the other side’s perspective…
You are the enemy team?
Mind boggling right???
That’s called random faction gameplay xD