I don’t know about everyone else but I find it annoying that tanks can shoot you from across the map and take your entire team out. It’s super difficult to get to them because they’re so far away and you usually have to go though a lot of people to get to it. Maybe I just suck but I still hate tanks.
I hate infantry because they’re only ones who can cap objectives.
nerf infantry instead They’re too overpowered.
Tanks are strongly nerfed already. HE shells often ricochete from the ground and their machine guns do less damage than machine guns of infantry.
Wouldnt that if they wouldnt overheat that fast and if mag-fed MGs have same reload time as belt-fed ones.
You probably came here from CS.
Go back to play Frontnite or whatever the kids are playing.
And a tank can be destroyed by an engineer from a long distance. But it’s better to cry that in the game you have to think tactically.
Git gud
-An Infantry Gamer
Tanks wouldn’t be overpowered if they were actually able to move up like they should be able to.
Instead, explosive packs are carried by almost everyone, and nobody even needs “anti-tank” soldiers to KILL TANKS.
THIS is the issue. Deal with the explosive pack issue first, incentivize tanks to move forward,
(I’ve suggested in the past to make them act as a multiplier in terms of the objective. While they themselves cannot capture, they would increase the effectiveness of their infantry toward the objective.)
You do those two things, and tanks will be pushing forward in no time. All you have to do at that point is use an anti-tank soldier.
its pretty common sentiment. Very common in the Battlefield series espeically. “I hate tanks” or “I hate planes”. Usually by players that never use them.
For me personally the combined arms is the biggest sell point. I would get bored of just playing infantry alot quicker. Its a cool mix
One day Im hoping helicopters and modern warfare. Love me some chopper action!
Get the guided bomb
I am curious if Enlisted will make it that far…
Guided bombs, infrared, Targeting, computers, Target Tracking, Radar missiles, Hellfires etc etc
Oh I’m just referencing that time a pilot took out a Russian heli via a bomb ripping straight through it
#1 I’m newer to the game so I barely have engineer unlocked and I didn’t realize it could destroy a tank from a distance. #2 I don’t play games like “Frontnite” (whatever that is) because I’m too retarded for those fast paced games which is also the reason I can’t “think tactically”. What I really don’t understand is why you would go out of your way to make fun of someone for thinking something should be nerfed. Have a nice day
tanks can kill you when you are touching them if they use an HE shell, so no don’t nerf either
Then you shouldnt play enlisted. Its fast paced
The first thing you do in the engineering team is to try to unlock an anti-tank gun, and then a machine gun and an anti-aircraft gun.
Secondly, you unlock all levels with engineers (these stars). The most important perks for engineers are the amount of building materials and the speed of construction.
While an engineer is useful in every team, regardless of its purpose, because he builds rallypoints and ammunition boxes. The engineering team can build anti-tank guns, stationary machine guns, and anti-aircraft guns.
He has unlimited access to shooting ammunition, and if you also have a medic in your team, they are long-lived.
The engineer unit is the most underrated and at the same time the most versatile unit in the entire game.