Need to nerf Tiger tanks, 12 pen its no damage? GG no more money spent on this game

Which is why when the new BR comes out it’s gonna be a Shit show A full 10B10 with squads is gonna be a mess and the game is not ready for it When a team is actually working together or at least active it’s a real mess

BR and tiers will be 2 separate things. tiers are now just for progression. BR doesnt need to guarantee completely identical performance. it just needs ballpark it and prevent most extreme situations where one players loadout is rather helpless against other.

ffs german paratroopers get one of the best guns in the game and you are complaining it doesnt have same amount of ammo with MG that cant hit anything past 2 meters.

and currently most extreme example is panther and tiger that cant be penned frontally with any tank before lvl 31, and also cant be killed by AT gun and bazookas. in other campaigns you can easily get counter as f2p without sacrificing driving tank. either tank can penetrate it, or you can build AT gun, or PIAT/bazookas actually work (well AT rifles suck and are problem in moscow with end game tanks ).

this is always good solution, but with 128 maps currently in enlisted, you wont be seeing fix for them anytime soon.

well similar mechanic is already implemented for people who survive long and get lots of kills. so you are already at disadvantage if you are playing plane/tank and are good at it.

there are people who dont care about xp (e.g. veterans) and just want to rack as many kills. xp as punishment is actually worthless.

I agree better comms is never a bad thing, and yes COD/Battlefield in there day were utterly amazing. I loved BF3 personally. But I just don’t want to overestimate how amazing it would be. I always think to games like World of Tanks, World of Warships and Warthunder where comms is readily available for all, yet people will ignore you completely. Happens in all F2P games now.

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It doesn’t mean shit when this game is about killing AI and clearing an objective And if you even mention the grenade launcher this thing has been nerfed to hell and back this thing is nothing more than a fancy paperweight

I can create video clips if you’d like, showing how effectively I can kill other players with it? I’ve been getting better at wiping entire paratrooper squads, and my favorite thing to do is pick up all the Vickers Machine Guns with 400-500 round of ammo. Then I just find a good spot and farm 20-30 kills easily.
That gun is very strong! One hit will either kill an enemy soldier, or knock him to the ground.

The most historical accurate representation in this entire game. I see your point… they better NERF the shit out of the Tiger tank, and make it a flimsy box for all players to kill!

Or they could implement an XP penalty for all players who are using a vehicle while in the grey zone.

It’s only disadvantageous for people who are grey zone camping to farm kills.

If they don’t care about the XP, then they can camp as much as they’d like from the Grey zone (and still support their team in a lethal way). But if the player wants experience, he/she needs to move their vehicle within boundary where normal xp resumes.

This mechanic would not solve all the problems, but it would certainly influence all players who have not maxed out their campaigns.

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They don’t really need to nerf the the high tier German tanks.
Besides, I think the US allies will get a big surprise with the merge…


Explosive filler was pointless in real war.

I think its called APHE (armor piecing high explosive)

You don’t have to kill the crew too IRL, just damage its tracks ect. ect., or in the case of German heavies, probably if you hit it hard enough where its transmition was, it might break.

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Exactly, getting hit by any AT weapon was a big problem.

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i dont see problem in tank staying behind and supporting infantry. problem is that you cant flank such tank cause of gray zone.


with fg42 you are accurate on long and mid range and you still have option of spraying in cqc.
with vickers you can do shit on any longer range than cqc without going prone. recoil is so shit that at best 1 bullet hits when you shoot at burst fire, but cause of dispersion it is questionable.

also german paratroopers can get mg34, MG that is much superior to vickers in almost every aspect.

players or bots? cause i can show you screenshot of me killing 140+ bots with 1 guy that had SA rifle. and much worse rifle than fg42.

i never said nerf them. i said match them against people who have tools to destroy it long range.

yes people who have tiger care about maxing their campaign… you dont understand that camping in gray zone is not a problem for majority of tanks cause they can be destroyed by other tanks easily (or AT guns). problem is only with specific tanks that are mostly end campaign tanks and cant be penned with anything else than end game tanks or plane bomb.

that is why BR is good solution and should limit getting matched against something you cant destroy frontally.

a majority of the players use it as a close combat weapon To clear an objective they’re not sitting across the map using it like a sniper from long range they’re in the combat zone with it and the Germans with the FG only has a 20 round magazine it doesn’t mean much against a seven man squad or nine man squad and sure we have the MG34 but we don’t always make it to our supply drop unlike the allied paratroopers they drop combat ready and they can defend themselves While the Germans only have a 20 round magazine and an animation which takes forever to work grenade launcher and a piece of junk has been nerfed as well to boot.

Give me back my pre nerf grenade launcher and there’s no problem.

i use my paratroopers as flanker. i destroy rally points and most of the engagement happen mid or long range. only after i have done clearing fast reinforcements (rally points) i go into the cap. vickers simply sucks at this job.

so instead of rushing into full cap point like a lunatic, maybe change tactic? btw grenades exist.

Then what’s the point of having a grenade launcher that everyone totes is so powerful When the grenade can obviously do so much more better work than the grenade launcher

personally i ignore it. there are some people who can make use of grenade launcher and be good at it, but i am not one of them.

Well then why the hell do we have it just get rid of the damn thing and just give us our ammo

this is dark flow thinking what do we give the paratroopers for Germany and the allies Will give the Germans FG42 with a 20 round magazine and we’ll give the allies the Vickers with 100 rounds when this is a game about killing AI and clearing an objective Yep there’s no problem there definitely

Two different types of guns, with two entirely different methods of shooting the weapons. You can’t say that full-auto FG 42 is effective at CQC, when those 20 rounds are exhuasted in two quick bursts… compared to 100 rounds of controlled burst fire, which can clear out an entire house or bunker of A.I. (I’ve done it).
Yes the FG 42 is better at long range, but the Vickers can also be used at long range when mounted and firing in 1-3 round burst fire. Just last night I was using a vikers on D-Day to wipe a squad that was across the entire valley, on the opposing hillside.
So in regards to weapon performance, comparing aa FG 42 as effective at CQC is comparable as saying the Vickers can also be used for long range (both have their disadvantage).

But the fact that the FG 42 paratroopers only get 60 bullets compared to 300+, is incomparible in terms of balance. Especially when we account for the issue with Grenade launchers being buggy and very inconsistent. Where sometime the grenades don’t do any damage, even with a direct hit.

I did not know that the german paraptroopers could equip MG 34. I don’t have the squads, so I’m unfamiliar what’s contained in the box. And while the MG 34 is a phenomenal weapon, you make it sound like the Vickers is worthless. Which it is not. Players only need to use it correctly, and it’s highly effective.

Congratulations. But I thought we were comparing the FG 42 with 60 rounds of ammo vs the Vickers with 300 rounds of ammo?

Or give new players the tools at an earlier stage in their progression? Why reformat the entire game, when you could simply move AT launchers to a much earlier stage in the campaign? Same with TNT packs, aircraft with bombs and/or rockets, and vehicles with a stronger cannon.
Another solution, reduce the grind and experience required…
Or better experience rewards for the losing team…

These are simple adjustments that could have been made, rather than taking 6+ months to redesign the entire platform, and spending a shit ton of money on a gamble that this new system will yield a higher profit than what they currently have.

One slip, and the house of cards comes crashing down.

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That’s because of the constant nerves that dark flow won’t stop doing to it Before when stalingrad was released you could wipe out an entire nine man squad with one grenade launcher shot which is how explosive this is opposed to work And the reason why they chose nerf explosives it’s because they don’t wanna fix the AI when they group up