Can someone tell me the best place to place rally point in Berlin campaign as Soviet army?? or at least place soviet player put rally point the most
here’s the map
thank you
Can someone tell me the best place to place rally point in Berlin campaign as Soviet army?? or at least place soviet player put rally point the most
here’s the map
thank you
In that building over there
You want to always put pressure on the enemy, whichever campaign or map. I always flank 1st. Try to place it a bit hidden, always at ground level…between 40-70 meters from the objective (but placing sandbags around it not only often blocks the pathing of the AI, but also draws enemy attention to the rally point. Personally, I always try to be sneaky. On that map, I’d cross the river and place the rally at the base of the stairs that lead from the river to the roadway.
first of all, may i ask how did you get the map? cheers
well, in berlin, it’s one of the "easiest " map to place rally, i know this might sound dumb, and easy, but it is.
just place them inside buildings, and if you can, never outdoors.
the reason is, in doors are always a bit tricky. like to take an example the objective in the middle near the little bridge and smaller lake.
the soviets can get acess to the second floor through stairs, while the germans have to climb and " parkour " the whole thing. it’s a big advantage that you must capitalize on.
so, depending where you are, height is your friend. but keep in mind that if there are only attics with no stars ( and you are forced to climb them ) you will severaly " injure " your team, as AI are not capable of " fall " down from one floor to another.
another tip when placing rally, try always to place them near flanks, or in the other direction of one friendly point that has been already placed, so that you will be able.
Here is my current layout that i would give you as a soviet player.
Purple= 1st objective
Yellow= 2nd Objective
Green =3rd Objective
Red= 4th Objective
and Blue= 5th Objective.
The first and last objective are a bit… tricky, because even if you place the rally point, you have to get dirty and hope for a team that can push. weather the last objective, is mainlly close quarter.
back to the map thingy, if you can tell me how i can get maps, i can start making the others.
sike, im actually german main.
now i know where ze red army place their rallies
aight, but for real, thank you very much for the detailed information
i got it from wiki some chinese player made. here’s the link
So which map do you want to talk about?
PS: I havent played in Moat map so far, so it maybe outdated.
I just updated some newer versions of the sector layout…
(Fandom’s picture update is less easy to use than the bilibili’s wiki… I have to manually update each picture.)
nicee. thxxx