Navy Type 4 Double Barrel Shotgun Pistol


Would make for a very interesting battlepass/event weapon for Japan. It would function like the usual double barrel shotguns, except be equipped into the pistol slot.

It was created by Yokosuka Naval Arsenal as both a weapon and a flare gun

Source: Navy Type 4 double barrel shotgun - NamuWiki


I really want more battles pass pistols because they can be used at any br and by every troop class.


I’ve wanted this for quite some time, would be a fun sidearm and more shotgun weaponry is always welcomed. +1

I’m actually in contact with a collector of these shotgun pistols, both the type 4 double barrel as seen here and the type 5 single barrel.
Hopefully soon enough I should have a reasonably detailed post about them including photos that have yet to be seen anywhere else!

I really hope to see the Type 4 especially as a battlepass weapon or event weapon for Japan.


Yea this would be a fun pistol

That is fascinating that you are able to speak with the real life collector. Could you maybe get in touch with a helper or major mcdonald so you can forward the information you obtain to them?

Maybe the type 5 singlebarrel shotgun can be a tech tree addition if the type 4 doublebarrel becomes an event or battlepass weapon.

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I could certainly try my best, I do know that many of the helpers, moderators and staff look over a lot of the posts in general too. Once I have some more to show and tell I’d be happy to provide every detail I can for them to give these shotgun pistols the best shot of coming to the game in the most accurate detail.

I have a feeling they look over these suggestions because they cannot be implemented without accurate documentation of the real item. You might catch their attention if you are able to provide specific information and a complete view of the weapon

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Thats actually crazy, I would like to see that.
I did a suggestion on it as well, but I recommended adding sawed-off shotguns for Germany and Russia and the trench gun for the US to come with it

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