Naval battles in enlisted

For the Pacific Ocean company, naval battles need to be introduced

  1. Entering 2 sets of units 1 standard as currently available in the game and 2 for naval battles (it can only be used in naval battles)
  2. Ships are controlled by the player as armored vehicles now. The air group is controlled by the player and bots. The player assigns the formation and bombs/ torpedoes to the enemy. The squad selects a limit of 6 ships.
  3. The limit of reinforcements is 50,000, the cost of the ship is 1000 reinforcements. The cost of the air group is 500 reinforcements , the experience for destroying the ship is 4000 .The experience for shooting down a plane is 400.




So…where is the infantry in this fight? I mean yeah, the Pacific was won through naval supremacy but still. There are other games that you can play if you want to play battleship. And beside this game can’t get the balance right for infantry vs tanks vs planes do you really want to throw ships into the equation?


naval combat wouldn’t work, too OP in an infantry-based game. We already have enough HE spam, adding ships would just make this WarThunder, if you want Naval + air + tank combat go play that


hello ,if you like naval battles(me too) ,try the other game of Gaijin:WARTHUNDER, maybe you already know it.

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