Howdy, I’ve mentioned some of these before but I kept thinking about these and finally decided to put them down in a horrible form and see if they gather interest / critique. Also some have obviously been suggested by others and some hinted as "in development / considered "
add more advanced filters for squads - by squad type: tech tree / legacy / reward / premium /// by fully researched or not // by has max soldiers or not etc
add perpetual missions like
-15k base exp = 1 lvl battle pass
-every x number of kills with a weapon / squad / weapon type / soldier class / etc gives a bonus like lootbox or something - to have some reason to play after daily missions / after you grind everything / add a way to make it interesting and worthwile to play with ALL weapons not just the meta ones
add further training for soldiers / “war academy” feature maybe - allowing to go past 5 star max exp every next “level up” add missing skill points up to max for class
/ upgrade soldier to higher level class
/ maybe use for free exp for soldier retrain to higher level / get max skill points
/ make selectable to research techs or to boost soldiers in that “war academy” - basically alternative use for exp, one way or another,
being able to max out “imperfectly rolled soldiers” and even to upgrade for ex engineer I to engineer II and such would be a really useful feature, be it for exp or for silver
add flavor / national customizations - soldiers faces / voices / random names for Italy / British / extra new flavor minor nations
-alongside that maybe some extra squads for like chinese or free french or romanian or hungarian or finnish or canadian or ANZAC or whatever
rework and improve customizations / make uniforms fit / expand options / there are luftwaffe troops with wehrmacht collar markings etc etc
add engineer squad feature, to be able to order engineers in your own squad to dig holes / trenches automatically with blueprint like drawing on ground
-also toggle on/off feature for engis in your squad to auto build what blueprints you put down, after like 5 sec, without needing to order them cause its annoying / buggy
add ability to set loadouts for each individual squad
add inventory system with ability to store bonuses and activate whenever you want to use them - no more senseless FOMO gotta play NOW NOW NOW / store lootboxes / stuff like that
-also inventory for all available shits like customization tokens / upgrade orders / name change / etc all the little tokens and shits to be seen easily, all together
add auto changing vehicles base paint camo scheme depending on map / season
show the medal / hero soldier icon in the squad lineup also, to see immediately which squads have hero soldier in them
add a way to set focus direction for bots when ordered to stand ground, like a quick gesture for them to have increased focus to one 180 degree side,
but not exclusive like even more autisically than they are now
add ability to tweak “select best loadout for tier xxx” on soldier loadout - have preffered and excluded items and such for quicker reequip
too late now but seems like lost opportunity by canceling battle pass points shop; maybe add it a couple of times a year and players can farm some missions in the meantime
like 1 gold order for 1st 1000 kills with a weapon, for every weapon, because god knows people need a reason to play most weapons and that’s a damn shame
BR 5 needs to be its own separate tier, it’s too much of a shitshow and it makes BR 4 pointless; quite possibly same thing for BR 1 is needed… while at it make single BR only if player numbers allow it
USSR vs JAPAN when ?! ?>?!?!?!
add ability to customize ammo loadout on vehicles