My list of various suggestions

Howdy, I’ve mentioned some of these before but I kept thinking about these and finally decided to put them down in a horrible form and see if they gather interest / critique. Also some have obviously been suggested by others and some hinted as "in development / considered "

add more advanced filters for squads - by squad type: tech tree / legacy / reward / premium /// by fully researched or not // by has max soldiers or not etc

add perpetual missions like
-15k base exp = 1 lvl battle pass
-every x number of kills with a weapon / squad / weapon type / soldier class / etc gives a bonus like lootbox or something - to have some reason to play after daily missions / after you grind everything / add a way to make it interesting and worthwile to play with ALL weapons not just the meta ones

add further training for soldiers / “war academy” feature maybe - allowing to go past 5 star max exp every next “level up” add missing skill points up to max for class
/ upgrade soldier to higher level class
/ maybe use for free exp for soldier retrain to higher level / get max skill points
/ make selectable to research techs or to boost soldiers in that “war academy” - basically alternative use for exp, one way or another,
being able to max out “imperfectly rolled soldiers” and even to upgrade for ex engineer I to engineer II and such would be a really useful feature, be it for exp or for silver

add flavor / national customizations - soldiers faces / voices / random names for Italy / British / extra new flavor minor nations
-alongside that maybe some extra squads for like chinese or free french or romanian or hungarian or finnish or canadian or ANZAC or whatever

rework and improve customizations / make uniforms fit / expand options / there are luftwaffe troops with wehrmacht collar markings etc etc

add engineer squad feature, to be able to order engineers in your own squad to dig holes / trenches automatically with blueprint like drawing on ground
-also toggle on/off feature for engis in your squad to auto build what blueprints you put down, after like 5 sec, without needing to order them cause its annoying / buggy

add ability to set loadouts for each individual squad

add inventory system with ability to store bonuses and activate whenever you want to use them - no more senseless FOMO gotta play NOW NOW NOW / store lootboxes / stuff like that
-also inventory for all available shits like customization tokens / upgrade orders / name change / etc all the little tokens and shits to be seen easily, all together

add auto changing vehicles base paint camo scheme depending on map / season

show the medal / hero soldier icon in the squad lineup also, to see immediately which squads have hero soldier in them

add a way to set focus direction for bots when ordered to stand ground, like a quick gesture for them to have increased focus to one 180 degree side,
but not exclusive like even more autisically than they are now

add ability to tweak “select best loadout for tier xxx” on soldier loadout - have preffered and excluded items and such for quicker reequip

too late now but seems like lost opportunity by canceling battle pass points shop; maybe add it a couple of times a year and players can farm some missions in the meantime
like 1 gold order for 1st 1000 kills with a weapon, for every weapon, because god knows people need a reason to play most weapons and that’s a damn shame

BR 5 needs to be its own separate tier, it’s too much of a shitshow and it makes BR 4 pointless; quite possibly same thing for BR 1 is needed… while at it make single BR only if player numbers allow it

USSR vs JAPAN when ?! ?>?!?!?!

add ability to customize ammo loadout on vehicles


You should really consider making seperate suggestions for each of these, because you might need to go a little more detail about some of the features.
As well as devs cant track which part of your suggestion is actually supported by the players.


fair enough, didn’t want to spam

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Most of these are really good suggestions, I’ll go through them one by one. I’d just like to add some advice I’ve been given on a topic of mine in the past before I start, which is to keep them as on point and not to varied within itself, which helps with gaining traction and focusing the discussion. Otherwise, a lot of people will find one thing they disagree with, only reply about that and you’ll just see a lot of negative posts which doesn’t tackle the whole of your post. Also, devs won’t know what’s popular or not.

add more advanced filters for squads - by squad type: tech tree / legacy / reward / premium /// by fully researched or not // by has max soldiers or not etc

A squad filter for when selecting your lineup isn’t a bad idea, and would really help with people who have too many squads to really keep a track on.

add perpetual missions like
-15k base exp = 1 lvl battle pass
-every x number of kills with a weapon / squad / weapon type / soldier class / etc gives a bonus like lootbox or something - to have some reason to play after daily missions / after you grind everything / add a way to make it interesting and worthwile to play with ALL weapons not just the meta ones

Here I’d rather just see more events, I can’t quite describe it but adding this kind of a system would be very “gamey”, less immersive in a way. Maybe someone can articulate what I mean better.

add further training for soldiers / “war academy” feature maybe - allowing to go past 5 star max exp every next “level up” add missing skill points up to max for class
/ upgrade soldier to higher level class
/ maybe use for free exp for soldier retrain to higher level / get max skill points
/ make selectable to research techs or to boost soldiers in that “war academy” - basically alternative use for exp, one way or another,
being able to max out “imperfectly rolled soldiers” and even to upgrade for ex engineer I to engineer II and such would be a really useful feature, be it for exp or for silver

Just to be short: no. Out of everything that might need tweaking in the game, the current soldier system works fine and shouldn’t be touched for the time being. I might wish that the horizontal recoil perk costs the same as vertical maxed out, but that’s besides the point. I would like to see the option to use free XP to level squads and soldiers but that’s as far as it goes.

There also really shouldn’t be several systems to max out a soldier, it defeats the purpose of the roll to begin with.

add flavor / national customizations - soldiers faces / voices / random names for Italy / British / extra new flavor minor nations
-alongside that maybe some extra squads for like chinese or free french or romanian or hungarian or finnish or canadian or ANZAC or whatever

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I have made several posts and a topic on this matter before, the nationality of squads and soldiers you bring should 100% be down to player choice. After the merge there is currently no way for someone to create a full British or Italian lineup, and that is borderline a crime on the playerbase in my opinion when so much already exist but we’re not allowed to use.

rework and improve customizations / make uniforms fit / expand options / there are luftwaffe troops with wehrmacht collar markings etc etc

This too is a change I dearly want to see, the British needs proper winter uniforms not mismatched summer-desert gear with a pair of gloves, and the Italians needs everything that’s not for the desert. Not only that, there are so many customization options currently going unused or not universally available to all squads (why is only the German Assaulter III squad able to purshase those beige great-coats? The Assaulter II and IV squads can’t…).

There are some minor things as well, such as ammo pouches should change depending on the weapon in your loadout- There should also be more helmet covers for British and Japanese helmets, currently no netting for british helmets or leaf camofluage for either the British or Japanese. I’d also like to see luftwaffe uniforms be avaiable for all squads for all campaigns.

I’d also like to add that the British Mk. III “turtle” helmet looks very goofy when all soldiers are bald (litterally all other helmet atleast gives the illusion that the soldier possibly has hair underneath), either reshape the helmet (make it slightly smaller I don’t think they were that commicly looking in reality) or add a cap/hood with the helmet worn under it.

add engineer squad feature, to be able to order engineers in your own squad to dig holes / trenches automatically with blueprint like drawing on ground
-also toggle on/off feature for engis in your squad to auto build what blueprints you put down, after like 5 sec, without needing to order them cause its annoying / buggy

Could be cool, currently shovels have little use outside of burrying rally points. I’d like a system for engineers to automaticly aid the player if they are currently following them (not when holding positions) to be prioritized though, speeding up current game processes is more important than adding more features that will distract some players from playing for the objective.

add inventory system with ability to store bonuses and activate whenever you want to use them - no more senseless FOMO gotta play NOW NOW NOW / store lootboxes / stuff like that
-also inventory for all available shits like customization tokens / upgrade orders / name change / etc all the little tokens and shits to be seen easily, all together

With a system like this DF will likely be forced to either put a max cap on maximum effectiveness, amount of active boosters, or diminishing returns for boosters, which I all consider worse solutions than the current system. It’s really not a big deal with three battle boosters, just play the battles today or tomorrow. And if you can’t it’s even less of a big deal, the 50% booster was trash from the start.

too late now but seems like lost opportunity by canceling battle pass points shop; maybe add it a couple of times a year and players can farm some missions in the meantime
like 1 gold order for 1st 1000 kills with a weapon, for every weapon, because god knows people need a reason to play most weapons and that’s a damn shame

As you say, too late.

BR 5 needs to be its own separate tier, it’s too much of a shitshow and it makes BR 4 pointless; quite possibly same thing for BR 1 is needed… while at it make single BR only if player numbers allow it


USSR vs JAPAN when ?! ?>?!?!?!

Currently Japan playerbase can’t even support BR III-V, and I have my reservations about how ballanced they would be. It’s a capaign I’d like to see, but one with significant issues I’d like to see handled thuroughly and patiently, not one to be rushed. DF should really take their time on with that one.

add ability to customize ammo loadout on vehicles

Another suggestion that whilst nice shouldn’t be a priority. Having some of all amunition works fine, no one can accidentally f themselves over, no additional tiring meta discussions about “what loadout is the best” needs to be brought into the game. Aircraft bomb loadout needs to be a thing long before choosing how many AP contra HE rounds for a tank you should have as well.


I appreciate the time you took with your reply and to be honest I won’t spam posts with each idea individually;

Also, I don’t see the point in NOT being able to improve and max out soldiers points / tier.

It’s easily done, basically costs double the silver to get a perfectly rolled soldier then exp him up to 5 stars. whoop-tee-doo. it’s just a tedious task to replace soldiers when you have silver for it and want to do it. it’s not like it’s slowed down by anything except silver. and tech tree unlock of course…

What would be the point for me to buy 10 soldiers and sell back every 9 of them to get max perk ubersoldaten if that is my goal? why make it tedious instead of a mechanism inside the game to upgrade existing soldiers.

At the very least we should have the option to just pay double and guarantee get a max point soldier boi, I would say; if the purpose is variety and max points soldiers are to be rare, there is no real system to keep them rare.


I hear this a lot, I remember someone mentioned before that some squads are legacy squads like the mp41 premium squad, what does this name mean?

Normally its referring to pre merge squads that are otherwise no longer available.