My issues with Enlisted

  1. Balance and matchmaking - as an Axis BR V player I don’t know how am I supposed to play with teammates, which are barely BR III against a full BR V Allied/Soviet teams. Every time I see Kar98k, MP40 and Fedorov Avtomat/ T20 I want to quit the match. Most matches (almost every time defensive) end up with a total blitzkrieg from the enemy side with paratrooper, air and tank spam. Almost every rally point close to the objective is mined/destroyed. Most of the times I’m not even sure if I have real teammates or just bots, because every time I try to create a close spawn point they spawn in the most far ones. In one of four matches end up in maximum 10 minutes because the whole time only two or thee players have decided to defend the objective. In a few matches I see teammates building rally points except me. Most offensive matches end up on the first objective after the enemy has farmed exp for straight 20 minutes.
  • Problem with Allies (USA and UK)
    HVAR spam (they hit like atomic bombs)
    Gotta love one of the most toxic vehicles in the game, my dear Calliope (literally tank with rocket artillery), dear P-51 D-1 (which is a wonderful BR III 710km/h plane, armed with a Tallboy) an dear LVT (A) (1) (a safe metal open top box with 5 mgs).
    Destroying new Axis/Japanese players.
    Only semi-auto high bullet capacity shotguns, every other one is a two barrel one.
    -Problem with soviets
    One of their best BR V weapons with a smaller box magazine is available for BR III ( perfectly balanced 1000 rpm for BR III)
    Stolen german AT weapons.
    Historical accuracy was thrown off the 9th floor window ( for example everyone knows that the IL-2M type 3 served in Rzhev and Moscow, and who exactly used the Fedorov in 1945 - 30 years after it was designed and on top of that mostly destroyed during the Winter War).
    Awesome 122mm cannons.

  • I can’t talk this only about them. For the protocol some german tech is OP and not historically accurate too. I’m a player who is Axis BR V because of gold weapon/vehicle orders and event squads and weapons. My only one BR V research is FG 42. Also these are my old and new statistics :

Battle of Moscow - Soviets 13 battles 100% wins / Axis 33 battles 33.33% wins
Invasion of Normandy - Allies 76 battles 59.21% wins / Axis 190 battles 43.16% wins
Battle of Berlin - Soviets 90 battles 24.44% wins / Axis 125 battles 84.8% wins
Battle of Tunisia - Allies 80 battles 73.75% wins / Axis 139 battles 25.9% wins
Battle of Stalingrad - Soviets 11 battles 72.73% wins / Axis 57 battles 47.37% wins
Pacific War - Allies 101 battles 47.52% wins / Japanese 56 battles 71.43% wins

New squad statistics - Axis 387 battles 55.56% wins / Japanese 53 battles 58.49% wins
Allies 109 battles 49.54% wins / Soviets 143 battles 67.83% wins
Battle time - 19d
Win percentage 53.76%

If you want to win build rally points.


Don’t forget about lack of bayonet on top tier German weapons, you will have to spend more silver on axe+bottle combo just to do same thing as Soviets/Americans/Japanese does for free and you may get smashed to death before you switch back to your gun.

At low BR Americans have 2 planes with rockets P-38G/P-38G-1, they can bring 2x M8 Scotts and spam enemies constantly with HEAT+HE+rocket combo for entirety of the match.

Americans can have Calliope while we only have crappy Panzerwerfer 42 with mg that overheats after 8 shots and rockets that are bugged and half of the time deal no dmg.

Unless you are Americans or Soviets then you don’t need to build them since you will win anyway:

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That’s the problem with high tier, I play low tier cuz high is so crappy.


bjut the problem are mines :melting_face:

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Bro doesnt want to see K98s in a Ww2 game, this community is cooked.

Go play Vanguard or something lol

He doesnt wanna see them if enemy team is full of assault rifles. No need to take anyones words out of context


The one thing I would agree with is that BR3 squads should never be matched in a BR5 match, just as BR1 squads should never be matched with a BR3. I can play any level, but I have an ALL level 1 unit to ONLY play level 1-2, an ALL level 2 unit to ONLY play level 1-3 and My BR5 unit to play the rest. I have great squads at level 3, but what is the point of using them as I most likely will be stuck in a BR5 fight. So, they sit in the closet collecting dust.

I’m happy for the most part with the new match making, but they really need to disengage level 3 from having anything to do with level 5. Level 5 really should just be a level all it’s own. I usually just play all level 2 squads, regardless of the country since I know all the weapons I will face are 1-3, no higher. Or, I play all level 5.




I believe he meant mp40 vs fedov, thought. Makes sense like this…

(But Kar & mp40 are my beloved)

It’s why I hope devs br soft rule experiment ( +/-1 ) is a conclusive one, and it becomes a hard rule :smile:


At level 2 or below
Germany has multiple high-performance aircraft and bombers carrying more bombs and 20MM
The US military only has one P38 that can be used as the main force.
The rest are 100-pound bombs that are difficult to kill tanks and 250-pound bombs that are defective for aircraft.
P381 is a legacy that cannot be obtained and is relatively rare, so it is not suitable as a criterion for evaluation.

Level 3 aircraft?
Although the United States has P38 Lightning
But he’s just a faster P38 and in late gear
The P51D only made up for the shortcomings of the early fighter jets being garbage.
What does Germany have?
110G2 (large rocket and high-explosive machine gun)

I don’t think the U.S.'s superiority in low-level environment aircraft is far superior to Germany’s

I mean german BR I or II weapons in BR V battles. I think it’s clear what I said.

Like I said :

Lets disect this whole rant to understand and refute:

Under geared teammates are common in comparison to veterans with full geared up due to shitty silver grind to cope with extremely high prices to get 1 single gun or vehicles. So yes darkflow will be changing silvers and stuff for better according to their planning post.

Yes, fucking paratroopers… They should remove paratroopers, or direct plane’s path away from objectives so they can’t land on objective and kill unsuspecting enemies which is just a annoying one. Tanks in allies are somewhat op along with some planes on allies side. But on soviet side for BR 1-3, they are like cockroaches to you because you guys have Pz 3N and Pz 4J which is way superior to russians wheeze canon and AT rifles that can’t even penetrate the armor. Soviet’s T-34 and KV-1 is pretty good to counter these tanks thats all.

I think at this point, people thrashed germany and focused on with allies/soviet side of the game due to nerfs and new content that allies/soviet got recently. Stinger is even better than MG42 or MG34 in american side. But on Soviet, its pretty destructive because their MGs are not that good due to low mags and high recoil. The allies/soviet side tanks got op in comparison to germans one except the Pz 4J and Pz 3N. So yes I think your teammates were mostly bots or dumb people.

I agree, some of their bombs and missiles are just too op to exist in low tier, or even in enlisted in general.

Germany have VG 1-5 rifle which deals more damage and less recoil which is better rifle than M1 carbine. I heard that the carbine is pretty shit on its own because it has higher recoil, slow ROF, and very bad damage in comparison to stats.

Rifle grenade is pretty shit if you tell me because it offers little range, firepower and low ammo. It can’t even do a good job of penetrating low tier tanks too. So in the soviet tree, I suggest skipping and directly get the Winchester M1895 which is best rifle for BR 1-2 (prioritize getting your whole rifleman members in your squad composition geared up with this rifle instead of moving on to SVT-38).

But you will miss rifleman 2 and 3 by skipping the rifles with grenade launcher, but who cares about that when you focus on assaulter and mgs all the time lmfao.

“My Deer” Callipe: Its a BR 5 tank, so who cares?

P-51 D-1: Buddy speed doesn’t really matter when when you are close. I even enjoy playing as a soviet I-153 M-62 destroying IAR-81C and BF series that are way faster than me. But 500lb bombs for BR 3 is crazy so I would agree with your there.

LVT (A) (1): Its a literal paper mache where you can 1 shot it up. Red circle is guaranteed pen with small shell sizes.


I feel bad for Japanese players more than the Axis because almost all of their tanks are paper mache, and most of their BR 1-3 planes just have shitty armament because they have no pilot’s front machinegun. Only defense weapon is the rear turret which is useless while american planes shatter its ass.

They are not really the issue since shotgun isn’t versatile weapon in comparison to smgs. If their unique ones are shotguns, then thats okay since BR 1-3 is just bolt actions, shitty smgs, and 20 round lmgs unlike German ones that have semi autos on BR 2, 40 round smgs, and your first 50 round high ROF mgs. So you guys have better BR 1-3 arsenal than Allies, but maybe better than soviet ig.

Yes its perfectly balanced because you guys have MG34 that fires 750 RPM with 50 round drum with little to no recoil while PPSH 41 has higher recoil than that.

Ok, lemme propose you better solution to replace Panzerfaust 60 and 100:

Well why not Federov? Its pretty solid battle rifle from WW1 which was used again in WW2 since it used to be mass produced rifle before the Boshelev took over, so they have many of them in stock. They should let rifleman use that battle rifle since it acts more like rifles than smgs for assaulters.

Awesome 80-182mm armor that is so hard to kill and extremely easy to steamroll those T-34-85 and IS series. I can propose nice vehicles to combat 122mm soviet bias boys:

  • Panzerkampf VII Lowe with 127mm canon

Don’t go to BR V zone, its pretty bad and easier to get steamrolled except if you mainly loves tanks like Tiger 1H or Tiger 2H.

Basic rule of this game that bunch of people still fails to understand lmfao


I have to disagree that BR 3 should play BR 2. BR 3 dominates Br 2 games because that’s where the destructive stuff starts.
The tanks are better armored en have guns that can take on most things
Flamers can be used.
Rifle grenades can be used.

It would be better if Br 1-2, Br 3-4 and Br 5 on its own or let 4 play against 3 or 5.
It gives some use for Br 4 vehicles too this way.

This new system they use now makes me wait sometimes more than 3 min for than just being wiped by a bunch of Br 3.
Before the merge the lobbies on consoles weren’t full. They don’t have to be now either.

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I Agree, I wish they would not put BR3 with BR1-2 or BR5. I have one unit that is strictly BR1 to play in 1-2 battles, and one strictly BR2 for the 1-3 matches. However, if I had my choice, I would make 1-2 together without level 3, and have level 3 with level 4. Then BR 5 alone by itself.