My first major encounter with "custom match griefers"

Last night around 1:30AM, I was in a custom game of invasion trying to get some of the last battlepass ranks, minding my own business… But when I was on my way to the second to last objective… Two randoms decided to join and throw a wrench in the works. This is my argument for allowing custom matches to be locked down, without paying for premium.

This first person, has been joining my custom games for around six months now, usually on the same team as me, I guess just because they can… in the match before this one, I finally decided to ask them why he keeps doing it after noticing it for a long while, and politely asked him to stop, and told him that he can make his own match with whatever maps they want. I got no response from them. Then in this match, Him and some other random(I’m guessing a friend of his) decided that they wanted to challenge me to a 2v1. The two pics above are them “tag teaming” my jumbo at the second to last objective. I managed to push them back to the last capture point, to which them bloob #2 decided to puppy guard with a Tiger 1, while the other stayed on the ground.

Long story short, they ended up joining basically at the last minute, and ruined my match that I was trying to win for a battle task.

Not to mention that the first guy, that wouldn’t already stop joining my custom games, was already blocked “in game”. So my question to the devs, and maybe some of the player base, is Why? What is the point of joining someone’s game, especially in a game like enlisted, just to grief, or to ruin someone’s match. Also why do we have to pay, just to prevent this from happening? Also if someone is blocked already, they shouldn’t be able to constantly join your match. that’s what “blocked” means to our English speakers out there.