Music playlists for enlisted!

Hi, I just would like to have some way of adding or editing the music files in Enlisted. Im honestly tired of hearing same music over and over again. Before the merge, I even have created music playlists for specific campaigns. But now I cant even know where I will play so this doesn’t have any sense.
All I want is the ability to change main menu music (it could either play randomized or by order per settings), game start and ending tracks (per army) and to add some personal tracks which would differ per campaign and army. Yeah its important for me bacause I noticed always having better score with it.

There is, and modders already did multiple game music mods


Working on ro2 ingame song+hoi4


Huh? I didnt knew that, would you mind telling me some more about it? How could I do this?

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Any links where you post such? I could try making my own too


Thanks Erika!

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I made a detailed post about it before, i think it will help you :wink:

(edit: Erika tagged it)

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Perfect! I will take a look into it post work today!