Mp717r bug

False :-1:

Because Soviets use 7,62 caliber ammo, while Germans 7,63 caliber ammo.


In game ppsh41 and mp717r share the same ammo

Yepp you are wrong

Probably because both are compatible with the gun :man_shrugging:t3:



False :-1:


No, captured PPsh used C96 Mauser ammo, because thats what the germans had access to.

Tokarev ammo is based and basically a copy of mauser ammo - but not identical.

That being said, I guess you could non the less load a captured PPSH with real PPSH ammo, so you might have a point that you should take ammo from hostile boxes…


i think i remember it being a feature in stalingrad

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Okay, now that we have this discussion…

Can a Tokarev use Mauser ammo and cycle?
Can a Mauser use Tokarev ammo and cycle?

Yes, aspirin and аспири́н are the same thing, but average Hans does not know that and cannot refill from enemy medbox.

Same with the ammo.


Just for you to know:


Besides that the actual projectile has a different size - I want to highlight that the rim or however you call it in english has a different shape, which could make differences in loading the gun.

Also as far as I know the Mauser round should have less powder, and be a overall weaker cartridge.

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not really a bug, since it wasnt a feature before, would be nice detail, but not sure if coding this for 1 specific gun is worth it


What 1 gun ?

MP 717 r chambered with Soviet ammo —> stats of PPSh-41
PPSh-41 chambered with German ammo —> stats of MP 717 r

Guns will change their statistics because of what ammo crate will use the player.

Not to mention other weapons (PPD, Shpitalniy, PPS) which also might accept 7,63 ammo - I dont know.

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Ppsh and mp717 do share the same ammo. I’ve picked up a pssh from a dead soldier and its magazines were interchangeable with mp717.

So in theory, you could refill you mp717 with enemy ammo box if you have ppsh41 in your hands as well.


I more carried by why you can’t use enemy medboxes


Now that is interesting.


People make the mistake of doing technical analysis based on comparing images.

The 7.62 mm Tokarev is stronger, it generates a higher PSI pressure than the 7.63 mm Mauser.

You can fire the 7.63 mm Mauser in the PPSh-41 and the MP-717r.

But you can’t fire the 7.62 mm Tokarev in the MP-717r. The pressure in the barrel chamber will be higher and the temper of the steel is not the same.

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well this is somewhat anecdotal cause germans also had mauser rounds that were stronger than russian tokarev rounds.

in most sources tt-33 (tokarev) muzzle velocity is between 1380fps to 1470 fps, while c96(mauser) had anywhere between 1320 fps to 1600fps with varying german ammo (~1420fps with US ammo).

if you want to dive into weird tokarev vs mauser ammo discussion here is link


Yes, but it needs to be surplus Tokarev ammo from WW2 or the modern Tokarev cartridge with reduced loads. If not, you can kiss your gun and possibly your hand goodbye.

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Maybe thats because the projectile has less mass tho… right?

summary: it is complicated.

you would have to track standard issue german and soviet ww2 cartridges and do tests on them(or find manufacturer catalogue with stats). every contemporary source has its own numbers regarding muzzle velocity and best post ww2 source i could find mentions different cartridges existed (but not what kind) and range of their muzzle velocity. considering that tokarevs had also hot post ww2 version of their ammo that had 20% extra charge(czech and chinese i think), there could be also mauser with hot charges during ww2. btw lighter projectiles isnt excluded from this.