MP18 Chinese

While researching the Tokyo Arsenal SMG that will be added in the next update I came across a strange MP18.
It is an MP18 with the magazine on the bottom. Apparently, it is a version manufactured in China.
Perhaps we will see this nice version in this game in the future.
Either by capture by the Japanese or by the appearance of the Chinese army itself.

Manchurian police force using Chinese MP18s
It has a huge 50-round magazine and carries a special pouch on its back.
In addition to this, he also had a belt ammunition belt with 100 rounds.


The game is already scrapping the barrel in terms of Japanese equipment.
DF is almost out of all real weapons, even prototypes.
Type Hei mg version and M1904 Hino Komuro could be added as an AR and semi-auto rifle respectively, but that is it.
I don’t know of any other non bolt-action Japanese weapon so we will probably see “lend-leased” or captured guns.

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I hear that the actual Japanese military also had difficulty procuring automatic firearms and used stolen ones from the Chinese army.
Localized versions of Western firearms made by the Chinese during this period would be a good source for Darkflow to create new Japanese military items.

Now that I think of it, I wonder what the technology tree would look like if a Chinese army were added in the future. What will happen to the weapons lent by Lend Lease in their tree?
For those who grind the US tree, will they have to grind the same weapons again, or will they be implemented with the tree open for that part of the tree?

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Grind again most likely, which is why I really don’t support new factions and seperating existing factions and I didn’t even mentioned buying squad slots and premiums.


Or, not giving China a tree of U.S.-made weapons.
And add a Lend-Lease feature for allies, like the “transfer” that was in the game version of Legacy.

China as a part Soviet faction?
Many soviet vehicles and weapons were used by the Chinese and most US lend-lease equipment was supplied to both USSR and China.
Remember this only means sharing progression, no russians fighting in Shanghai for obvious reasons.
Squads would change with the theatre automatically.
Some weapons would be subfaction specific, like AS-44 for USSR only.

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Since this is a WWII game, an Allied/Axis faction would be fine.
There is no Soviet faction, and both the Soviets and the Chinese will be Allied faction.
So you might be able to send supplies from the US to the Soviets, or vice versa, going against historical fact.
U.S. soldiers landing in Okinawa with Ppsh and Japanese soldiers with Mg42 will clash.

Wait, If this game enters the Cold War era in the future, this Allied/Axis faction split will be a problem?

I even see a m1 carbine destroyed by japs and modded for be a short full auto thing in a photo… so all is possible

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You know I do like the idea of “share progress” where let say you farm m3 grease now the “Chinese faction” can buy and use without research it all over again