I have a good number of both, but I only run 1 assulter squad in T5, so which do you guys recommend to use?
I use a combination of both. 2 Mp717r and 2 stg 44 / Mp43/1. The same with Kirally. Works great.
Okay, I’ll try to use a mix of these guns.thanks for the suggestion.
- mp43
- 2 soldiers whit mp717
3.Any tier 3 weapon (bereta 40 magazine)
And if you have medic a mp40
One squad with MP 43, second with MP-717(r).
Two guns instead of backpack and take both. With 4 assaulter tiers just have one of them with 2 guns
Two assault squads, one stg, one MP717r. Equip all assaulters with impact grenades and AP mines. This is the way.
The ultimate tryhard build, only missing 2GLs on a 9 man rifleman squad and flamethrowers, all with impact nades as well
Sir, please, I promise it is not because of being a try-hard but instead because of my love for MP717(r) as well as any other PPSH. I also love the STG as well, but my reason for equipping that is to make everyone suffer for Darkflow level locking me when I have already unlocked the MP 43/I. I will play this game exactly how Darkflow intended it to be played.
This would require me to buy premium, and I will not buy from them until they fix the egregious American gun sights and the American maps. They know what they did.
MP717r till you get StG44s
Why do you have to get premium? You can give rifleman a second weapon slot and fill it with another GL instead of grenade pouch, and use an impact grenade on the free slot, and flamethrowers don’t cost any money as well. Can you explain what you meant by saying you need premium?
So I can run STGs and MP717r squads along with the gl and flamethrower.
With @Wittmann_02 on this one.
Both arms are good in their respective fields. Building storming and room clearing? Captured ppsh41.
Outside with open fields or long roads? Stg family.
Having a mix allow you to excel in both.