MP 43/1 vs STG 44

Should I sell my ten MP 43/1s and exchange them for STG 44s? Is the STG 44 significantly better than the MP 43/1?


Just gonna be there for see if mp-43 or stg is better
; )

(I don’t have any of these guns rigth now)

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I sold many guns - I will never do it again, meta changes, you never know how a gun might perform in the future.

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Mp43 was known to be very inaccurate in past patches compared to STG 44, but I think this isn’t true anymore.

Right now the only stat difference that matters is probably rate of fire.

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Less fire rate= less recoil and innacuracity

Is like this? In that case Mp-43 is better?

I don’t know about just ROF since guns like the Vickers. It looks pretty close, but the STG 44 comes out on top. I wish we could unlock the MKb 42(H) in the tech tree and then have a modification system to earn upgrades for the MKb that can be equipped, turning it into the MP 43/1 or STG 44, depending on your options. Something like what RO2 did with their guns.

Why sell?

Don’t sell your Mkb and MP 43, there’s always chance for them being rebalanced or put at BR4.

Only sell if you really need silvers fast and have nothing better to sell. Otherwise, weapons are never worth selling.


For extra silver when I’m upgrading the STG 44s

Ok, I will take your advice.

Not that much of a difference really. But I changed mine for two reasons. 1. The STG-44 is iconic. 2. That RoF of 650 really helps in a CQB scenario. This is also essential for me since I don’t dual wield weapons like the Kiraly and STG-44.

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I would change them due to the horrendous reload animation

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well i have got my hand on some stg44 in the past and i dont notice any difference but im grinding for it rn so i will come back with my impression later (im like 4 smg away or something)

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You shouldn’t sell gun if you haven’t a exaggerated surplus of them, you can’t know wen and if gun get rebalanced in future


Wouldn’t recommend selling guns since you don’t get a lot back, unlike soldiers
but yea, the StG is the better gun

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better keep them, you get only a very little amount of silver back from selling, especially after the econ update.
instead of selling you can buy stgs and dual wield stgs with mp43s. this way you get the slightly better weapon as primary weapon and still profit from the expensive old weapon

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